[center]Shira[/Center] Shira looked at her team. "Don't worry about any of the Jinchuuriki. They are like bees, you don't mess with them and they won't mess with you, otherwise they help out the environment and those who are living, like me!" She said grinning. She loved making statement relating with bugs. She looked at Ryou. "i'll keep that in mind, sorry for not giving a heads up!" She said. She then felt the blizzard getting stronger. "Brrrrr even I'm starting to be affected by this cold...." She stated. She walked up to the samurai leader. "I know I know, don't have t mention it... Name's Shira Aburame and I am the vessel of Chomei, the 7-tails... and this is my squad from Iwagakura. I demand to go inside please as I failed to give my teammates protection from this blizzard so hypothermia would be something you guys don't want so please let us in!" Shira said in a fast pacing that was samewhat hard to understand.