[quote=@3905C RG] When you switch from past to present tense without your brain letting you know >.< Corrected that God awful display! That's what happens when you create fantasy worlds at midnight, kids, your coffee-addled brain attacks the bastion of English grammar. Got a few more things to add to this RP, namely the religion - I know, I know, I hate it too, but every fantasy world needs one. We're looking at a Hindu type religion, whereby there exists three main gods, but who are in turn represented by thousands of avatars - each avatar dedicated to particular qualities in relation to their God. That way, y'all can get all creative with who believes in what. Hold off on making characters too, I need to make some amendments to the sheet. Again, it was midnight, and I threw something up - but it's okay, I'm still not adding a back story, although there will be something similar. Specifically: "What the others know about you", considering we're all farmhands who have been working together for a while, there are key details people are bound to know about each other. [/quote] Alrighty. Can't wait.