[quote=ClosetMonster] GLAWWWWWW! Oh my goodness! I hadn't hoped to find you! And personally, I haven't a clue what we were doing either, other than it was something to do with an abominable caravan and a multitude of characters... or was that YOU TOOK MY CHARACTER'S EYE!!!!! And it was cool. :) Shall we? You were missed! Oh so missed! And I would go on any half-cocked, cliche about to become anything but, episodic/diverse RP. You know all you need do is crook your finger and I follow wherever you lead. :) oh. Hallo, theah!!! What a pip you've been. Oh let's go, captain! :) [/quote] Ah yes, Jamison! I miss poor Jamison, and Dr. Fell, and that sassy woman whose red hair and strangle-hold on werewolves stand out now more than her name. You've been sorely missed! Nobody catches and weaves the ridiculous and the magical into brilliant stories like you do. But now I have an old woman with a secret that is ripe to be told, and no one yet to tell it to. What do you think? Fill in plot as we go? Any particular time period and/or setting you fancy? Past, present or future!