Hello! I'm Neema! Hopefully that is not a real word! I made it up on the fly as a nonsense noise! I don't want to be intimidating, I understand that there are a lot of interest posts out there with very strict rules and do's and dont's. I want to seem a little more open minded and forgiving with such things. I want to say I am free to low casual, but if you get me super duper interested I will pump out a 10 paragraph monster that will have me wondering if science has gone to far! (Yay, non-sequitur joke.) [b] Fandoms![/b] Destiny (The Game) Halo! Invader Zim! Johnny The Homicidal Maniac (And spin offs Squee! and I feel Sick.) Mass Effect Star Wars [b] Original Stuffs![/b] Ghost x Human Monster x Human (I would love the be the monster under someones bed) Alien x Human Neko/furry x Human (I don't want to be selfish but I would love to be the non-human, but if you're charming I will let you have the fun bit.) Neighbors strangers/stalker (I love the idea of being assertive and pursuing someone) Many taboo pairings (I will get more into this in PM) You notice I did not post any plot ideas, Well that's because i don't have any. But I can think off the fly and I have a can-do attitude!