[b]Name[/b]: Bryan McNave [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]:20 [b]Rank[/b]: Adult Male [b]Trade[/b]: Famer [hider=Upright] [img]http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z67/designscene/designscenealbum/DSNEW2/JeremyYoungDigitals03.jpg[/img] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3khtdwGyN1qfikjno1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Canine Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/iWEgb.jpg[/img] 45" tall 8.2' long 180 lb [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Bryan is a very laid back type of person. He has a very simplistic outlook on life and does not want or expect much from it. His simple style of living has him focus only on what he has to to and sending the rest of his time to himself. Bryan is not one for confrontation but is never afraid to step up to a fight and deal with any problem that come his way. He could be known as the chill guru who has an answer to every situation. But his cool and seemingly warm exterior is a mask for all the rest of his emotions that lie within. [b]History[/b]: Bryan hails from a pack to east right above New York. He only had his father to raise him, because his mother passed away from ICED. His father thought that Bryan would get it too but he never showed any signs. The Alpha of the pack that he was from died in combat and the New Alpha ran the pack into the ground. After Bryan's father died, he left the pack because there was barley anything left of it by then. He traveled east in search of something new and found the Blue Ridge pack. He has been with them for only a few years but still feels like he has a family. While on his travels, right out side of Ohio he found a small pup and took her with him. He named her Leia after something he saw in a movie. He sort of kinda adopted her but it is not legal on papers but the two of them stick tether. [b]Extra[/b]: Bryan has a deep love and connection with nature. He loves to farm and take care of the plants and whatnot. He also has learned how to take care of children because of his extended time wit Leia. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Name[/b]: Leia [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 5 [b]Rank[/b]: Pup [b]Trade[/b]: None at the moment [hider=Upright Appearance] [img]http://www.srsck.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/danibrubaker1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Canine Appearance] [img]http://www.jimcoda.com/data/photos/795_1_04p2629_wolf_yellowstone_national_park.jpg[/img] 30" tall 2ft long 125lb [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Leia is a shy and introverted person. She has a habit to try and avoid any new people she does not know and keep to her own safe surroundings. She is very respectful and never questions the authority of those who are above her, but has a deep fear of any Alpha. She does not show any signs of affection towards anyone except Bryan. Also Leia is a mute child due to her trauma. [b]History[/b]: Leia does not know where she comes from or who her parents are. She was living in a orphanage and ran away when Bryan found her. She only remembers a lot of death and that is it. Bryan is like her father, her brother ad her best-friend, the last person she cares about, and some one she is extremely loyal to. She made her way to the Blue Ridge pack along with Bryan and now has been living with him there. [b]Extra[/b]: She does not have many friends and is usually found with Bryan, and likes to pick flowers.