Eustace had been enjoying all of the food the company had to offer as the plethora of information was bestowed upon them. The information was rather peculiar, unlike anything he had heard of. As they said, this "Nen" was the kind of thing that you'd hear about in fiction! That only made the very idea seem much more interesting in his eyes. More than enough to make up for how strange he felt in the green tuxedo they had given him. They had even taken away his hardhat for the time being, leaving his hair (which he had already chosen to messy in order to make himself feel more comfortable) on display for all. Quick to catch on, Eustace figured that there had to be some procedure required for this aura to be of any use. The fact that Arashi said that they couldn't actually see it as of yet was more than enough to tip him off to this fact. While he didn't exactly look the part, the boy was astoundingly smart for his age. However, he still couldn't make heads or tails of the terms they were using, such as "transmuter" or "specialist". Linking them to their denotative meanings didn't seem to help with anything besides making him more puzzled. Though, with the information that had been given to them, it was easy to deduce that a hatsu was akin to a superpower. The deal was way too good, but doubts still harbored in the corner of Eustace's mind. He definitely wanted to meet this Aurora person, she sounded completely cool! On the flip side, accepting would also mean that he'd have to compromise what he wanted to do for what would be best for the Love Me Do, a name which still brought a goofy smile on his face whenever he heard or thought about it. [color=f7941d]"What d'you think, Kyō?"[/color] He decided to go leave the tiebreaker to Kyō, no way could he leave his friend if they answers differed. [color=f7941d]"Eh?"[/color] When she spoke, a look of shock appeared on Eustace's face, followed briefly by one of betrayal. Why hadn't she told him this? Weren't the two of them supposed to be best friends? After all, Eustace never hesitated to tell her about himself. Did she...not trust him? For the first time, Kyō had actually done something to sadden [i]him[/i], worrying him at the same time. Revenge stories never played out well, frankly, they were very dangerous, especially to the one seeking it. He figured that she must have a good reason, but he hoped they could still talk about it later. [color=f7941d]"Well...I guess I'm in."[/color] Eustace said with a much less chipper tone. It sounded pretty strange on him. Kyō could easily pick up on how he was feeling at this point, the twins likely could as well, so he tried to mask his emotions with his next few words. [color=f7941d]"I'm Eustace Bell, and I want to become an archaeological hunter and maybe even explore the dark continent one day. Glad to meetcha!"[/color] The dark continent was the place that most interested him, for his grandfather had once explored it as well. Little did he know that there was actually something drawing him to it. A connection that made his family all the more strange. As he was born in Meteor City, there weren't even documents connecting him to it all. [color=f7941d]"So, how do we go about learnin' nen, Mr.Handsome?"[/color] Long after they had gotten off the boat, Eustace was still calling Arashi Mr.Handsome, the man was basically stuck with the nickname until he said otherwise.