Evening y'all! I know I came around a loooong while ago asking for lines for my doofy villain character, and they never reeeally got off the ground. Life and all that, whatever. Point is, I've got a better grasp on things now, along with a more solid character under my belt. Casual player, 2-4 paragraphs typically, third person past tense preferred. 21+, been playing for roughly 13 years. Call me whatever you want, basher or bazz is just fine. I'd like this to be romantic (or at least have an element of affection or something more 'mature'), but that ain't set in stone, so don't worry. Basically, my boy is a jewel thief. Or at least, he /wants to be/. He doesn't do a really good job at it, or indeed, even a passable one. Constant property damage, windows smashed, things broken, but never any jewels. An absolute klutz, and maybe that's his only skill. But hey, he's never been caught either so that must mean something. What I'm looking for is possibly a villain to try and take him under their wing. Show him what proper evil is, even if they find he's not really suited for that kind of thing, he's not the smartest kid out there, they could use him. Or maybe a hero, new or old, who happens upon him trying (and failing spectacularly) at stealing some priceless set of stones. Do they think he's going to get away with it? Is he breaking all that stuff on /purpose/?! What a horrible person! Maybe they want to turn him toward the path of good or what have you. Maybe they'll use any means necessary to get him under control. If this gets mature, that's fine. Always happy to play out mature scenes. For a discussion of interests there, feel free to PM me. I will say, he's not much of a straight up top, but he doesn't mind switching around or playing it low. Your call there, yo. I'd like this to be over PM or email, but I'm not opposed to threads or IM. Lemme know over PM what you'd like to do and where, please!