[center]ᴘʜʏsicaʟ aᴛᴛriʙuᴛes ✥ Angels are generally fairer-skinned, with gentler features. They possess a pair of white, feathered wings, which can be used for flight. Overall, not terribly threatening in appearance. A young angel will not fully sprout their wings until they hit puberty around the age of twelve or thirteen. Wings, when lost, take three centuries to regrow. ✥ Humans come in a wide range of appearances, and at times may appear to be 'angelic' or 'demonic', despite being human. ✥ Demons possess a wider range of skin tones. Their teeth are sharp, their pupils may be slits, and their features are sharper. Those who are fallen angels possess only scars on their backs, with no wings to speak of. On the other hand, those born may possess a darker set of wings, similar to those of an angel's; they can easily be lost. --- aʙiʟiᴛies ✥ An angel or demon may only possess one ability. It is applied when they are still young, as they are born with it. None are born without one. ✥ In some instances, an angel or demon may possess a sub-ability. This is a lesser ability that supports their born ability. It may be gained over time. ✥ Abilities can be granted through either a blessing or curse to humans - however, they gain but a fraction of the ability; neither the whole nor sub. ✥ Rarely, one may find an angel or demon with an ability that encompasses multiple elements - in which case, a blessing or curse will grant a single element. ✥ The nature of an angel's ability tends to be more on the defensive side; however, a demon's ability will veer more towards the offensive side. --- ʙʟessinɢs && curses ✥ Essentially, blessings and curses are a gift bestowed upon humans deemed worthy. ✥ However, there is a darker side is the use of humans as a 'battleground' of sorts. ✥ Should a human already be either blessed or cursed, it is highly unusual for another bless or curse to be placed on them. ✥ In the case of a double blessing or double cursing - which cancels out the previous bless or curse - it is highly offensive. ✥ The initial angel or demon to bestow the bless or curse has every right to not only be offended, but to take action against the one who overrode their action. ✥ It is a direct attack on the angel or demon to make their bless or curse null and void, and can even be dealt with by a higher ruling depending on the offender. ✥ Humans are never to ask an angel or demon to be blessed or cursed; angels will turn you away and warn others, while demons will more likely just cause your death. ✥ A single angel or demon may only have up to five humans blessed or cursed; any more than five and all involved will fall ill and die a painful death. --- roʏaʟ courᴛ ✥ A formal meeting with the royal family is held in the throne room. An informal meeting is likely to be held in a parlour or something of similar nature. ✥ In the case of a formal meeting, the guest or guests will be led by a servant, with a guard behind them. The servant will announce the presence of the guest or guests. Before a servant may announce the guest or guests, the guards must open the grand door to the throne room upon confirmation from those inside. ✥ In the case of an informal meeting, the guest or guests will be escorted in the same fashion as a formal meeting, although the servant need only knock before announcing the guest or guests and allowing them inside. ✥ Until explicitly dismissed, no guard or servant is to leave the presence of a higher-up - it is rude to assume that one is dismissed merely at the end of an order or conversation. ✥ Two guards are always stationed outside the doorway of any room a member of royalty is in - a matter of safety and respect - with only one in the case of smaller rooms wherein a guard is dismissed. ✥ Ranking is always to be taken into consideration; a person of higher rank is to be given the respect their title demands. A person of lower rank may be addressed more casually, but in order to address a person of higher rank similarly, they require express permission. ✥ The children of the royal family - regardless of the kingdom - will receive their kingdom's name as their middle name. The sons receive the masculine form of their kingdom's name, while the daughters receive the feminine forms of their kingdom's name. ✥ In order to ascend to the throne through inheritance, circumstances weigh heavily on the procedure. For instance, should the residing king and queen step down to pass the throne to their eldest son ( or daughter, should there be no son ), they are likely to have been wed to a fellow prince or princess first. In the case of death of both the king and the queen, the eldest child, regardless of gender, will be crowned as the new king or queen. Should the eldest be too young to ascend to the throne, a different family member of royal lineage will be placed on the throne temporarily. ( Inheritance can be contested by those in positions of power. ) --- miʟiᴛarʏ ☠ under construction ( I should really start on this ) ☠ --- ✁ - - - suʙᴊecᴛ ᴛo cʜanɢe ( noᴛiғicaᴛion ɢiven ) --- [url=http://inkyslumber.tumblr.com/post/68139400798/yes-friends-this-is-how-inky-spends-her-time]raᴘʜaeʟ's ᴋinɢ is ʟaᴛe[/url][/center]