Jynmi nodded. He shook his head, and shrugged and tried to go through ever expressive movement he could come up with just to make sure he touched on the bases. "Maybe. There's definitely something about this place that screams "remember me"." He looked around the massive trees. "Hey, before we got sucked into this place, I mean if it really happened and wasn't a dream, did you hear a man's voice? I could've sworn I did." He looked at his hands. "It, he, mentioned knocking the right way." He blinked because not doing so would cause his eyes to dry out. He shrugged and spotted a small clearing in the huge trees. "Hey, this might sound crazy but do you get the feeling we should go in there? I mean, its like hands are pulling me into it." He motioned with his hand for her to follow him. "Come on. I'm pretty sure this is the way to go." But he stopped and looked around. "Besides, I"m not sure if there's any other way to go. It's one of those process of elimination things. "