Souta placed his finger on his cheek, prodding it ever so slightly at a rather slow speed at his eyes wandered up towards the ceiling, thinking of what to do -- or in this case, [i]how[/i]. His sister had trained him how to use his powers, teaching him how to control over the two odd samurais that would come to his command whenever he called for them to come down from the [i]spirit world[/i]. Well, not command. More or less, to give orders. He didn't have control over the two spirits that would protect him in the sense that he could control where they moved or how they acted, but he could give orders to them -- which they would follow out of their own free will. It was a very strange power. In a sense, Souta didn't exactly [i]have[/i] a power. All he had were two "people" -- with his sister being able to summon more than two -- who were already dead, coming from the spirit world to protect him. Without this "power" of his, he was virtually useless. If they were bested, he would more or less be screwed over -- and both he and his sister knew that. How his sister had managed to attain a spot on the student council, he didn't exactly have an idea, and how she even managed to keep it was beyond him. He was told that this ability of his was useful, that it was powerful, but he had yet to even use it once -- yet to even summon them once; but, if all they did was protect him, would they also be useful in protecting the investors? Probably, he thought, even though a small part of his mind told him otherwise. "Let's try our best," He said, giving a short nod to no one in particular.