[color=Chocolate][h3][u]Morgan Hazelnut - Flan[/u][/h3][/color] [color=8493ca][i]“Go on and speak,”[/i][/color] [color=Chocolate][i]She sure is a bit direct in her speech... She is a king after all, I guess. And I suppose a king needs to get things done if they are to rule. [/i][b]"Well, I-"[/b][/color] Flan's reply was suddenly cut off short by the addition of certain yellow headed fool crashing through the ceiling. Although, it was a rather fashionable way to make yourself known to someone important. Of course, he wasn't the only new addition. About that time, another blondie entered, but this time through the doors like a normal person. She looked cute, relatively speaking and at least better than the newly officially appointed Ebony Slayer, with strawberry-blonde hair and a rather young looking face. The pink stripes on the black mechanical arms were also a nice touch. Morgan watched as the two new arrivals talked up a storm. The mecha-girl, actually seemed a bit demented once given the chance to talk. She was cheery enough, but didn't talk to kindly. However, the odd one of the bunch would have to be the fool. It was really uncertain what he really wanted, seeming more like he was there for the ride. It was a bit obvious that somehow the mecha-girl captured the poor fools heart. The only reasoning Morgan could give was that the fool was actually some sorta masochistic freak. This is why Morgan despises boys. Always so rash, so simple, so idiotic, so disgusting. Of course, maybe it was just the romantic inside that made Morgan think this way, and they were probably just in fact some sorta bandits wanting to pass the time. Whatever the case, It was rather clear that the mecha-girl didn't mean to join the Black King, and now neither the blonde fool, but the girl really stood out once she was denied by the king, turning into the psychotic fool Morgan called her out to be and declaring war. Flan turned to look at the caster, but was rather late as she just ran off swords swinging. [color=Chocolate][b]"Wait, you shoul-"[/b][/color] Again Flan was cut short, but this time from the realization of how futile it would be to stop them at this point. Morgan now had a choice in the events happening all around. One, was to fight with caster. That could possibly help earn favor with the king. Even if not personally, the role as a whole called for some recognition. This would indeed be helpful in uncovering who and what kind of person the Black King really was, though on the other hand, there was no specific reason why Flan should help. It certainly wasn't asked for. Flan looked back at the king, but couldn't gather any useful reaction. Now was, regrettably, not the time to answer the king's question, but decided to try to put on a good show to make up for it. It didn't seem like it would be much of a fight as both opponents seemed they were missing a bit of health, but should things turn sour, Flan knew if anyone would have to leave safely, it would be the king. Flan didn't hesitate once caster created an opening with the initial attack. The [i]Jumping Bean[/i] ability activated twice, saving the last one for an escape route on the trip back down if required, and sent Flan straight into the air. Once at the pinnacle of the ascent, a furry of throwing daggers shot out, aimed at both the blonde duo's heads. Hopefully the extra height would've kept Flan out of view of the blondes, who were dealing with the caster, enough to proc off the [i]Assassination[/i] feat. Regardless, it made for a clear vantage point to easily aim at what seemed the most vulnerable place at the time.