If this is still up for grabs, I'll chuck my two pence in. [hider=Alexander Lowe][b]•Name:[/b] Alexander Lowe [b]•Age:[/b] 11 [b]•Gender:[/b] Male [b]•House:[/b] Hufflepuff [b]•Magical Heritage:[/b] Muggle Born [b]•Appearance:[/b] [centre][img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AMAhzmE8opo/UBCSqm25zhI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/jcn37FALRYk/s1600/45.png][/centre] [b]•Backstory:[/b] Alex was born to a relatively normal Muggle family in the Midlands and lived a satisfying, if slightly boring primary school life. He never had any particular motivation for anything and found pleasure in the simple things; playing Knockdown Ginger, stealing his Dad's whiskey and mocking kids who still watched Teletubbies. The only thing he ever really applied himself to as a child was raising the family pets; animals have always held a special place in his heart. Alex wouldn't have much else to say on his own life; the way he sees things, it only [i]really[/i] started when he received a mysterious letter inviting him to a certain school... [b]•Personality:[/b] Alex is a born idiot and he knows it. During Muggle primary school he consistently failed every class, never scoring above a U. Nevertheless he was popular among the staff and other students as a friendly, upbeat little rascal who could be exceptionally polite when he wanted to, as likely to flip your skirt as hold the door open for you. Despite this fickle streak, Alex is a reliable and trustworthy young lad who sticks by his friends no matter what. The downside is that those friends need to learn to deal with constant teasing and childish pranks, but he is slowly growing out of that habit... slowly. Despite his sometimes blatant idiocy, Alex is quite an empathic young soul, skilled at managing people and relationships. His carefully crafted carefree attitude has given him a certain wisdom beyond his age. [b]•Personal Items:[/b] Fourteen" cherrywood and quicksilver wand, excellent for charms but lacking in power (formerly in the bargain bucket at Ollivander's) Fugly the six-month old rat, Alex's closest companion and test subject for many of his spells [b]•Special gifts and abilities:[/b] None whatsoever.[/hider] Bracing for the rejection on his appearance... Also, it's pretty short because his history is completely nondescript; suits a Hufflepuff methinks XD /edit Wait... I got all caught up with the CS but only just realised this is an INT thread O_o