- - - - - - - - - - - - [8:30AM] - - - - - - - - - - - - [color=00aeef]Kevin: hey hurry up [/color] [color=f7941d]Ash: Yeah, I know. I’m packing food rn for the both of us.[/color] [color=00aeef]Kevin: yay cool. also idk if i told you but there’s a party at the park tonight[/color] [color=00aeef]Kevin: everyone else is going too!!! also there will be booooooozeeee[/color] [color=f7941d]Ash: lol sounds good; I’ve wanted to get out for a while.[/color] [color=00aeef]Kevin: ur the best BRO[/color] [color=f7941d]Ash: haha I am.[/color] Ash turned off the screen of his phone and tucked it in his pockets. He packed the cooked rice into separate tupperware containers and topped it with stir fry, tendrils of steam rising from the meat and vegetables. He looked at the food with pride before putting it away in his bag, and grabbed the keys from the counter before rushing out. He jogged down the stairs of his apartment and into the parking lot, where his car, navy and matte, waited for him. He slid his hand on its metallic roof with fondness as he maneuvered to the front seat; a gift from his older brother, the car was the first thing he could really call his own. It was a part of his identity. Throwing his pack in the passenger’s seat, he turned on the engine and sped away. The drive to Kevin’s was a short one, almost walking distance, but it was on the way to school so the arrangement worked out. As Ash neared his destination, his phone rang and he silenced it with a click. He turned into the driveway of a modest house and put the car into park, before picking up his phone to type— [color=f7941d]Ash: I’m here.[/color] [color=00aeef]Kevin: kk[/color] The front door opened, and Kevin rushed out, backpack flopping behind him. His friend looked like the picturesque All-American guy; personable and handsome—strong lines in the right places with a winning smile and dusky skin. Grinning, Ash leaned over the grip and opened the passenger door. “Hey, dude.” Kevin said, smiling brightly as he pushed over Ash’s backpack and slid into the seat. “Hey,” Ash replied as the engine roared to life. He turned to look over his shoulder as he backed out, “Sorry for taking so long. There’s stir fry in the bag." “No, it’s fine.” Kevin rummaged through Ash’s bag, and pulled out on of the containers. As he lifted the lid, the aroma of cooked stir fry and fresh rice wafted into the car. His eyes widened and he looked at Ash with something like awe, “This is amazing. Is there anything you can’t do?" “Nah,” Ash laughed and shoved his friend with an elbow, “You say that every time I bring you food. You should learn to cook something other than shitty cup noodle and eggs, bro.” Kevin placed a hand over his heart in mock indigence, “Woah. I am sensing some hostile vibes here." “It’s not my fault you can’t handle the truth.” Ash didn’t divert his gaze from the from the road, but struggled to keep a grin from overtaking his features. “Wow, so rude." “Only to you." They chattered incessantly before pulling up into the school parking lot. Slinging their backpacks on, they walked quickly to their first class: Advanced Computer Science II. As they sped through the open aired hallways and well trodden shortcuts, Ash felt a muted glee spread from his feet to his torso to his arms to his head. It was the simple things—an embrace, a genuine smile, the knowledge that he was loved—that made him infinitely grateful.