[b][center]Town Main Street[/center][/b] The sheriff came storming back out of his office, his hands at his face and rubbing vigorously as he drew a deep sigh. This was too much to deal with Angpetu was going on about some guy that could apparently escape death, he had a body on the ground being watched over by his inept deputy and now as he stopped in his tracks he saw a face he did not know carrying yet another body. Grabbing his hat off his head he tossed it in the ground and stomped on it. “God blast it, mother loving, dagnabit. I’d beat the devil around a stump to pass the buck on this here damned blowed up situation!” he exclaimed out of frustration before yanking his hat off the ground and swinging it through the air. “Now what in tarnation happened to this here bloke? You know what, dun’t care a continental. Fuck it, this burg done gone to hell in a hand basket and I am apparently yur’ tour guide through the boil on the butt of humanity known as Brogden,” he snapped before he actually took note of the newest arrival and grumbled. “Marshal, yeah, well he be gone. Up and flew the coop. I guess he didn’t want ta’ wait for no burial and the formalities. He figured he just go ahead and stroll on down to hell of his own accord. You want answers, you can talk to Ang in the office cause I am washing my hands of the whole situation. I just jail them I don’t have no need or want to go chasing those that won’t stay dead,” he said as he waved his arms around like he was half crazed. “Sean, you take that body and the lead this here, who were you?” he asked Twain before waiving the question away. “Know, what, don’t care. You follow Sean and take them bodies to ol’ Seamus and get them nailed in a coffin before they decide to join the last bloke and have a good ol’ fashion hoe down in the middle of me town!” he said before pushing passed the group and heading towards the saloon. “I need a drink….” Sean didn’t know what to think or what to say he just stood there confused and nodded quickly as the Conner told him what to do. “Right boss, see right to it,” he stammered before grabbing the body and lifting it over his shoulders. “Yeah. Um, this way,” he said towards Twain and began slowly trudging off towards the undertaker. [b][center]The Sheriffs Office – Back Room[/center][/b] Angpetu looked around slowly, shaking her head as she heard the sheriff start yelling in the street. She had warned him he didn’t want to knot but he didn’t listen and now he was doing what several had done in the past. Gone to have a drink and pass off the information as only a drunken dream from the night before. Rubbing her temples she looked at the two new additions in the back room and rolled her eyes. Having to bring one into the fold was enough, now two more on top of this Cyrus character? “Yeah, swifter than you can imagine,” Angpetu muttered under her breath before turning her attention to Cyrus and nodding at the information he gave her. “Actually, yes, very helpful,” she said. Her eyes narrowed and she went over the information both in her head and verbally as she began to walk in circles. “Okay, not damaged really by lead, so that could mean any of them. Too damned dry out here to be an Asrai. Went down but was back up in an hour means not an elder but old enough to know what he’s doing. Didn’t move out of the way of the bullet, so ain’t no Daemon(pronounced Day-mon). Inuits be friendly, especially out in these parts. Pengallen would have left their body and just went off with their head,” she muttered as she continued to walk. As the sheriff quit his rant the place got quiet and Angpetu could hear a whistling sound coming from out back in the darkness. “Nakani, son of a bitch,” Angpetu growled as she stopped in her tracks. “Okay, you – go find me a couple of bottles of liquor and some rags. Then follow us,” she said to the woman that was there in the back with them. “You,” she said to the Sioux. [i]”Follow the sound of that whistling but don’t attack him, trust me, just ready a knife or ax”[/i] she sad in Sioux before directing her attention towards Cyrus. “Next time you fire, aim for the knees. We gotta keep him from running,” Angpetu quickly said as she loaded with rifle with an oddly colored cartridge that looked like it was made out of some strange metal composite. Grabbing the handle of the back door she flung it out to open and looked around slowly as she brought the rifle up, stepping out slowly. “Do not let him touch you, no matter what,” she warned as she began to walk slowly out the back door towards the sound of the whistling. The moon was high in the sky and it was a cloudless night, she hated hunting at this time of the day but they didn’t have much of an option at this point. She just hoped they listened to her because she didn’t want any more dead on her hands than the one she was after. It would take a bit to find Westbrook but once they did they would find him with his back to them pummeling a man with his fists in the chest as he had him pinned on the ground: straddling him. A soft glow would come from his hands every time his fist connected with the unconscious mans bare chest where the shirt had been torn away. The sound of the whistling growing louder and louder as they got closer. It wasn’t coming from Westbrooks lips but seemed to be swirling around him as it did. “Hold it right there Nakani!” Angpetu called out as she took aim with her rifle. Westbrook held his hands up in the air and glanced over his shoulder, his eyes glowing like his hands were a moment ago and a deadly grin coming over his features as he slowly stood up and turned around to face the group fully. “Well my my, if it ain’t a Kin Bane,” Westbrook chuckled. “Out of your league here girl,” he added as his fingers fanned out and from the tips of each finger bone seemed to grow out of the flesh and slowly curved into sharp claws. “Well, let’s just about that Nakani,” she said as she held her position.