[b]"Tch. Damn. Bastards beat me to it."[/b] Arms Slave peered into the hole in the ceiling, noticing the two players who seemed like they were challenging the Black King. Kinda made Arms Slave want to join. However they had bigger (Or more) fish to fry then with each other. Announcing his presence Arms Slave shouted from the hole in the ceiling and into the hall below. [b]"Ayo! Drama bombs! Looks like trouble's coming. Red and White's are coming in force, and it looks like the locals want in on the fun. Get ya shit together, they're here in about five minutes!"[/b] Arms Slave looked at the coming horde and didn't think they even had that much long. He knew that his two contacts within the White and Red guilds were purposely leading their respective mobs from different locations into the city. This was just to ensure a minimal amount of fighting between the two factions, at least not until they clash at the heart of the black city. Dissolutions were popping up now too, and Arms Slave didn't think this was strange, but this may pose a problem for the oncoming mobs and anyone else stuck in the city. The outlaws he couldn't really control; they were doing their own thing, and he doesn't even know where most of them are at now. At least not until he felt a blade cut into his backside. [b]"Bastards!"[/b] Throwing a wild slash behind him, Arms Slave managed to clip a rogue who tried to get a backstab off of him. A nasty bit of damage, but nothing that Arms Slave was overtly worry about. He looked at the rogue, a level 2 fellow with a glowing red name. The mark of an outlaw. The four-armed hulk flourished his axes and fired a Chain Catch onto the building itself. [b]"Alright, a little foreplay before we really get into it. Let's go, outlaw!"[/b] [hr] The Outlaws were the first to hit the Black Capital. A whole gang of them, 15 in all. Most were low levels 1 and 2, but amongst them was a level 5 utilizing stealth. The others were meant to simply swarm the other payers; most were rogues, but they had a few warriors amongst them that could serve as meat shields. Two were fighting Arms Slave outside, while the rest had gone inside, either by busting through their own windows or knocking down the front door. [color=red]"WELCOME HOME MOON BITCH!"[/color] The first action from the first wave of Outlaws: The 7 rogues took out their machine pistols which looked like Beretta 93R. They fired a spray of bullets into the hall; what they lacked in individual accuracy they were making up for in volume. Classic Dakka. Some used two, doubling their firing rate and dropping their accuracy proportionately. Then the warriors came in, about five blood thirsty berserkers who were suppose to act as meat shields. They all had huge weapons; big swords, big axes, big hammers, compensating their lack of multi attacks for one big smash. They attacked the nearest non-Outlaw to them, with gusto and fury. The level 5 was more subtle. He was stealthing into the fight through one of the holes on the ceiling. His personal stealth field extended not only to him, but any equipment he was using: including the rope being used to bring him down. But he did not hit the floor immediately, but hanged out in the air so he could get the drop on someone unaware of him. If he had Icarus Strike this attack would be so much more powerful, but he'll settle for the regular sneak attack. [hr] It was a long walk to the Black City, but Dark Wraith did arrive a the edge of town. Fortunately, before the Dissolutions showed up. She was forewarned about their arrival thanks to her readings from the system, but did find it strange they would spawn here. Dissolutions don't spawn in the city, and not even near it usually. Sure a player could lure one inside, but that was different. Something was amiss here. And Dark Wraith assumed that the Black King might have some clues as to what's going on. Dark Wraith arrived to the city with her [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150215210404/elderscrolls/images/2/28/StaffSkullofcorruption.png]staff[/url] in hand. A staff which by itself bolstered her magical abilities, like all staffs would. But this one in particular was created through a boss soul; The Gravelord. In Dark Wraith's hand her Necrotic abilities, which were essentially all of them at this point, had an increase. And she could forcibly take over one of the undead of others, so long as she has no undead herself. She doesn't suspect she'd be fighting Necromancers here, but one could never be too careful. There was fighting happening at the Black Castle. Sighing, Dark Wraith went into a jog. [color=black]"Honestly... She needs to not make these sort of announcements..."[/color] She hurried onwards towards the castle, a spell ready in her staff to cast and kill.