[img=http://cs408531.vk.me/v408531786/559e/f-ZUKrzN9WY.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Annie Stewart [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Relations:[/b] Derrick Wilson: Brother (deceased) Cameron Bailey: Brother's close friend [b]Equipment: [/b]Small backpack, small hunting knife, binoculars, water bottle, fishing line, box of fishing hooks [b]Personality:[/b] Annie is someone that strives for a good relationship with others and avoid conflict and confrontation as much as possible. She is someone that strives to see her life in an optimistic view although she knows that it is illogical with the current status of the world. Although cowardly at times she is usually quick on her feet and to react to a situation. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Annie was raised in the heart of Seattle with her half-brother Derrick. Although nearly ten years apart, their relationship with each other was a strong one. She was out camping with Derrick and his friend Cameron the first time she saw the Zombies and have been on the run since. Two months ago, her brother was caught by the zombies while giving Annie and Cameron enough time to escape after the trio got themselves trapped on the third floor of an apartment complex. It was a week and a half later that the duo found a group to join and have been with them since. [img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K-pujJWjF1o/S_towTOKAyI/AAAAAAAACyY/uZhHvomLzhk/s1600/outdoorsman.jpg] [b]Name: [/b]Cameron Bailey [b]Age[/b] 27 [b]Relations[/b] Derrick Wilson: Best friend (deceased) Annie Stewart: Friend's younger sister [b]Equipment:[/b] Hiking backpack, fifteen feet of rope, machete, pocket knife, water bottle, lighter, duct tape [b]Personality:[/b] Cameron is a hardworking man eager to survive. He is someone that values teamwork but isn't one that would keep his opinions to himself and isn't afraid to call someone out when they are in the wrong. Although not as compassionate as Annie, Cameron strives to do his best for the wellbeing of the group by whatever means. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Cameron was raised in Montana with his hunting and camping enthusiastic father. After graduating from high school, Cameron moved to Seattle for college and found Derrick and a close knit friendship quickly grew between the two. After graduating from college, Cameron stuck around in Washington and became a Fish and Wildlife officer and spent most of his time either at Mt. Rainier or with Derrick. His relationship with Annie was a friendly one but didn't grow much until the trio was attacked by a hoard of zombies. Now that Derrick is gone, Cameron does his best to help his friend's sister out as much as he can.