Emma listened to the Midnight Soloist's rant. [b][i][color=lightblue]This chick is nuts! Who does shit like this off a coin flip?![/color][/i][/b] Emma was at the very least relieved when she saw the small androgynous avatar leap into action for the Ebony Striker's side. [b][i][color=lightblue]Maybe there's some hope yet... but it looks like our King doesn't see fit to join the fight.[/color][/i][/b] But it looked like the number of combatants was growing. Gunfire erupted from neither side, but luckily the shooters weren't very accurate. It looked like the Black Kingdom now had an outlaw problem. This fight was rapidly becoming too big, the two errant players were hard enough to deal with by themselves. As the Midnight Soloist took flight Emma quickly redirected her minions towards the other hostile player, who now had to deal with both them and her sword flying towards him. [i]Alright, time to move! I've got to be careful of those crazy arms.[/i] A portal ripped opened on the ground directly next to Newt. She dived through head first, barely avoiding the Soloist's attack. Emma reappeared... right above the Soloist's flight path, sword pointed down. She was going to catch the Soloist in the air and skewer her.