Rule with characters is first come first served. If you don't get the character you want I apologise, if you and the original owner of that character come to an agreement when you swap or change characters a heads up will be good :) Also this my first time as GM on this site so, yeah, I might be asking questions. Feel free to take more then one character [color=00aeef][h2]Characters[/h2][/color] You may take any Doctor, companion or master whom has not been taken. Below are taken characters. [hider=Doctors] The one who was only the doctor once 8th: [@Nacho] The leather wearing (seriously- sometimes he reminds me of the leather slab things from Smith and Jones sometimes)- 9th: [@antman0623] The New Who favourite- 10th: [@LadyTale] What can I say? FEZ, BOWTIE, STETSON The one always changing fashion 11th: [@Wade Wilson] [/hider] [hider=Companions] The most important person in the universe- Donna Noble: [@LadyTale] The Girl who waited: Amelia "Amy" Pond [@Harley Q]: The sort, bossy control freak with an odd-looking nose- Clara Oswald: [@Soufflegirl123] [/hider] [hider=Masters] No one has taken a Master part yet [/hider]