[hider=Lin] [B]USERNAME:[/B] Noxious (Nox is fine) [B]NAME:[/B] Linwë “Lin” Anwamanë [B]AGE:[/B] unknown, youthful; the concept of time in limitation of years is lost upon her people. [B]ARCHTYPE:[/B] Savage Berserker [B]PERSONALITY:[/B][indent]To say anything about her personality on a whole it must be understood that at the base of it all she is unforgivably apathetic to human nature, bordering on a chaotic destructionism. Beyond this she has been ingrained with personality traits common to her people; she is uncomplaining of her surroundings, even though ‘city life’ incited an unflinching disgust and she finds little to no redeemable qualities in civilization or the civilized. She covets a pack mentality that offers a loyalty to those she views as her own. Believes life is cyclical and there is no need to apologize for wrongs past done just as there is need to feel guilt when stealing air from the sky. It should never be said that she is kind, nor cruel, though she leans more closely towards the first in one on one interaction and more closely to the latter in social interactions. When in the company of strangers her mannerisms are tense and highly alert, even more so within city limits. Her interactions with others are usually forced; she saw little merit in conversation, though running, tracking, hunting, fighting, killing brought momentary glimpses of life to eyes otherwise bored of the world crumbling around her.[/indent] [B]WEAPONS:[/B][LIST][*]Wild’Har Twin [url= http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120317004337/dungeons/images/0/0b/Khopesh-2.jpg]Khopeshs[/url]- an artistic sublimation of war, crafted of Crys Grove stone so delicately refined that they fail to reflect light so while in movement it almost has the appearance of invisibility. With use the material is said to drink the blood spilled and slowly takes on a hellish red color. Like a standard Khopesh they are both slightly curved. One crooks tightly creating a hook while the other less severely to allow easy access to the serrated outer edge, like a saw blade.[/*][*]Shield-She carries a sturdy, yet unglamorous shield upon her back which can be exchanged with one of the Khopesh, but also helps deflect unseen attacks from behind.[/*][/list] [B]ABILITIES:[/B][LIST][*]Beast Within; an ability both inherited, magical and practiced. Her mind alters its process to an animalistic frequency. Heightened hearing, smell, eyesight, durability and pain tolerance. Her muscles tighten as movements become more instinctual and forceful. Her posture also reflects a crouching to protect sensitive areas. The drawbacks are an expelling of human self. She becomes something else, something that could be called cruel. Something vicious to be sure. A child of Kartan possessed with more chaos than any natural creature. Sometimes the animal refuses to relinquish control for a period and when she does return it is to an over worked and usually battered body. Her people who have dabbled in the ability are aware of the insanity that trickles slowly into the user of such abilities.[/*][/list] [B]ARMOR:[/B][INDENT](No relation to necromancers)All armor upon the Wild’Har comes from the dead Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Humans, Elves or Beasts that she herself has dispatched. Half skulls rest on her shoulders. The nimble finger bones cover her joints while rib bones add an extra cover for her chest, . The dried tongues of Deviks (smaller, dragon like creature) wrap around her arms, legs and midsection. The sharpened teeth of Orcs protrude along her shoulders and lower arms. Intestines of the Sliaw (snake-like) are treated and molded into shoes due to their resistance to fire.[/indent] [B]RACE:[/B] Wild’Har [b]APPEARANCE:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/013/5/f/obsessed_by_stormserpent-d720rvv.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] While in the city it would be extremely rare to see her without a full cloak and head covering, knowing that her people are a rarity and often create a tense and aggressive reaction in others. [B]COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:[/B] Southeast jungle region of the Hyllara [b]BACKGROUND:[/B][INDENT]She was born into a happy tribe, though a tribe rife with war. The two occurrences were not unrelated, nor entirely conducive to each other. They often had much to celebrate, their children were born strong and their food supply was plentiful, the natural disasters that struck them were gifts of renewal and the land that they nomadically traveled on was well protected from outsiders and tainting influence by the 100’s of Wild’Har tribes that called the Hyllara home. Her tribe was nestled close to the jungles edge where the Wild’Har had to be the most vigilant and vicious. While war was a consistent, it was viewed as a way of life as much as ceremonies and feasts, dancing by the fire and hunting as a pack, all of which were actions that could be threatened only by a cease in the war that kept outsiders away. Her people were sub sectioned to a pack of Devik’s, which created a natural and fluid balance for the Devik species. They left much waste, which could contaminate the water and land for days if unchecked; they roamed with uncareful tread, occasionally to close to protected areas, such as the grove of the Crys or the edges of the jungle. It was the Wild’Har that reused the wasted carcasses, that pressed the roaming Deviks back into the jungle, for their own protection and the protection of the outlaying cities. It was once she had left the confines of the jungle, the protection of her people that Lin began to understand the growing importance for Kartan to rise up towards the great destruction, a need for a new beginning that only Kartan could offer them all. They were surrounded by ‘sinners’, peoples and lands that had lost any light of hope and had a lack of connection to nature that chilled her and sent nightmares to follow her even when she was awake. Her people had been wrong to praise Elana and Kartan both for Elana had turned on them, creating vanity and selfishness that bred like rabies in the mouths of the people. She returned to the jungle, only to ‘harness’ the Devik’s and lead them crushing into some of the cities closer to the jungle. Her vision was red, her mind went blank as it seemed Kartan himself had embodied her and the stampede she brought down upon the unsuspecting villages. Her own people quelled the attack and returned to the jungle without her, disowning her and leaving her scorned and resentful of the world around her. She was shaking from a rage and use of her own power that had temporarily weakened and blinded her. She was like this when they found her, the pirates. They knew of her people’s strength and viciousness in a feral sense, so like any dog they placed her into a metal cage beneath the deck and with no view or feel of nature or the sky. She quickly became depressed and withdrawn. It was Iano who probed the little beast with a stick and when she refused to move he spoke to her. Truly she had lost everything except for the truth that this world was filled with many things and she had yet to see one that deserved to survive. Not herself, not even Iano, whom soon she knew by the sound of his steps and though she didn’t speak he continued to speak to her. It was in this way that she arrived so far from home, in such a strange place: Iano who released her one day while at a port after having made sure the boat was barely guarded. It was this niceness that confused and confounded her, enthralling her to him so that she quickly swelled against him, taking in his scent, and then she ran. She ran for days, weeks? She avoided cities and slept in trees. She ate wild meat raw and listened to the animals, forlorn in their small numbers. She told them all how lost she felt, that her purpose was so gray, yet so defined. Destruction was required for a new beginning. Judgment had been cast. Now she just needed to find a tool in which to deliver it. And this is when she decided to track the Iano, perhaps piracy was the outlet she would use. It took months for her to capture the scent, months in which she would venture into cities while attempting to control a nausea that seemed to overwhelm her being. And it was within one of these huge cities that she finally found him. This is how she came to find Silver Leaf, tracking the Tindra into the walls. And it was here that she would find her outlet of purpose.[/indent][/hider]