He didn’t know what time of the day it was and to be honest, he didn’t care. He had two days off and nothing to do so he’d spent last night drinking. He thought it was last night, but come to think of it, he didn’t know what time his activities started yesterday either. In fact, he took a moment to check his internal HUD and confirm what day it was. As he walked, he allowed his electronic internals adjust his metabolism and hormone levels so that he was a bit more functional. He rubbed his temples, looking up and happy that the sun was obscured down here, knowing that had it been shining, it would have been painful. A few steps later, he felt himself level out some and noticed a pair that seemed somewhat polar opposites. She looked like a burnout and he looked like he should be arresting her for something. As he approached he realized he recognized the female from somewhere. Maybe some club or bar, or maybe the streets, but he seen her around. The other guy, he wasn’t familiar at all. He looked at attire and he was a cop, but he wasn’t local, so Josh didn’t worry. The guy may be dangerous, but so was Josh. And it wouldn’t be the first time he had tangled with the brass, he just tried to avoid it. “[color=00a99d]Friend? I don’t have any friends[/color],” he replied with a slight smirk. He stopped and looked over the two one more time before looking around, checking out his surroundings out of habit. “[color=00a99d]Anything shakin’ tonight?[/color]”