[color=662d91]"So.."[/color] Havoc turned her head to see what Faust would say. She'd been wondering how much further they had to go and thought maybe she could ask but did she really want to [i]that[/i] person. Faust seemed to focus on something ahead and Havoc turned to look. [color=662d91]"Time to play!"[/color] The shout gave Havoc some clue as to what to expect but she was still taken aback at the grotesque forms of the Dissolutions the weirdly gangly limbs on bloated bodies creeped her out a little. She swallowed the lump that had appeared in her throat as she accessed her inventory and clicked on her weapon, A two-hander labeled 'Ogre Sword'. The huge weapon appeared and for the first time she felt its weight in her hand. It was heavy, in the real world she wouldn't have been able to move it an inch but as she hefted it onto her shoulder and charged forward tattered cape fluttering behind her, she felt that here, in DGO matters would be very different. [color=00AF33]"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"[/color] Two of the creatures were in the groups immediate vicinity, Faust had gone for the taller of the two leaving the crawler unchallenged. Havoc headed for the crawler. Faust had been quicker off the mark and was already engaging the tall dissolution. The crawler had begun stalking around Faust and so was not in position to resist as Havoc came on. At full charge she shrugged the sword off her shoulder to her side and as she drew within range of the vile creature she turned, bringing the sword around with all of her momentum behind it in a furious blow that cut through the creature like a knife through hot butter, starting at it's head and running down it's entire length. Critical hit markers followed the sword as limbs were amputated, organs mulched and bones shattered. The creatures HP rapidly dropped only stopping at around 30%. The creature, now aware of Havoc spun to face her and Havoc who had danced back out of range after delivering her blow began to advance on it again, her sword held low and back its 'point' dragging along the ground behind her, the scrape of metal on the rough ground sent a shiver up her back and a manic grin spread across her face. [color=00AF33]"Here here little critter."[/color] [hr] Level: 1 EXP: 0 Next Level EXP: 10,000 [hr]