The Corpse Collector initially ignored Azga’s attempts at small talk. Wasn’t it obvious who she was? After all, their usernames were displayed right above their Avatars so introducing themselves seemed kind of pointless. Besides, it wasn’t like she could actually see him anyway. But his follow up question made a wry grin snake up to her visage. [color=f7941d]“Ain’t it simple flutter boy? I’m going over to the Black Guild to kick the King’s ass. Simple as that. See, he’s been pissing me off for quite some time now with his whole mystery bull crap going on. Doesn’t help that he kills some of my friends just for fun.”[/color] She failed to mention how those friends of hers were nothing more than low life Hackers and that this was all because of some pity revenge scheme. Before she could continue, they blasted out of Faded City and down the road towards Ebony Stryker territory. Looking around, she saw no one else for miles; chuckling to herself, she unfastened one of her hefty pistols and twirled it around to show off. With one hand gripping the bike, she aimed it in front and fired once. [color=f7941d]“Shoot to kill, Death Penalty.”[/color] For a moment, nothing seemed to happen as the bullet simply fired forward with a crack. Then the Dissolutions began to show up, one after another as they began to fill the wasteland with the enemy NPCs. The Corpse Collector placed her gun away, speeding between the growing crowds of enemies. There. That should slow down anyone that wanted to get in her way. [color=f7941d]“You like my cool ability? It’s great for birthday parties too.”[/color] As they sped on by, Corpse Collector’s newly created wall of spawned NPCs flourished. It was skeptical, if not downright dirty. Surely an ability like that shouldn't even possible in the DGO system? Even so, her summoned Dissolutions would rush on and engage with Havoc’s group along with any of the Colored Guild convoys carrying the gathering troops and really anyone else that wanted to enter Moon Rider’s territory. At the Black District, deep in the throne room, Moon Rider glanced up at the perched Flan. She took in the lower leveled Player’s words, frowning as she stated the urge to know the real her. That was very unlikely but Moon Rider did not deny her request to join her, accepting her in less than a heartbeat. In fact, she began sending out request PMs on a massive scale, forwarding the messages to practically anyone in DGO. As a Colored King, she had both that right and influence. Now, every Player right now would receive an invite into the Ebony Strykers. With all of Deep Ground Online converging onto her District, it wouldn’t be long before her territory would become a warzone. It was best then to gain whatever allies she could now since everyone apparently wanted to wreck her property. She made sure to specify though, sending legitimate invitations to regular Players while separating job offers and sending those to every mercenary. A certain Avatar named Shadow Shot would receive such an offer in the form of a PM, far away into the Blue Guild. It was common knowledge to everyone that a King could very well send a message to everyone currently online if they wanted. It was rarely utilized however, mostly in part with the pride and arrogance that seemed to follow a Colored King. Not Moon Rider. No, she was quite willing to do anything it took to ensure her victory. That in mind, she raised a hand to cease the fighting between the people in front of her, mainly Midnight Soloist, Newt, and Rocket Lancer. She ignored the ones fighting above her as well as that extra presence stalking around in her throne room. It was probably a cloaked Player to be honest, but the Black King wasn’t worried about that. After all, as a King, she could easily take out a small army if she needed to. [color=8493ca]“That’s enough Newt. Fall back and concentrate your efforts in driving out these Outlaws. As for you, Midnight Soloist, Rocket Lancer. As you can see, I’ve sent invitations to you both. As you can see around you, we are currently under attack. Why waste your time fighting one another when you can ensure both of your survival by joining me and crushing these forces?”[/color] The Black King smirked as she heard the sound of gunfire getting closer and closer to their position. Yes, things were getting to be quite interesting. Admittedly, none of these Players so far were strong enough to become her Deputy-which was half the reason she had opened up her gates-but at least she would build up her Guild once more. [color=8493ca]“Why risk your lives on chance and luck when you can fight alongside a full King of Deep Ground Online?”[/color]