"Where?" Jynmi scratched his head as he thought about it. He scratched hard, and then soft. Scratched to the left, right, up, down, sideways and with a vengeance, but no amount of rubbing the skin of his scalp with nails could get any helpful information. All it brought about were the nerves nearest to the skin screaming and begging him to stop that, or they'd do something awful. It was a bluff of course, as nerves lacked any sort of offensive weapon against the rest of the body aside from letting it know something wasn't comfortable and that hadn't done it any good in the situation so far and there wasn't much chance of that changing any time soon. "Where's a good question. I'm not exactly sure to tell you the truth(sorry if you preferred a fib,) but something tells me there's no point in staying here. It's that same feeling of deja vu." He squeezed her hand in case she was getting nervous, but if she wasn't then it was for him. Something was following them. Who it could be, there was no way to tell? What did they want? How could he know? When would be the next chance he got to finally get around to seeing the rest of the transformer movies? Meh, that wasn't really worrying him. "Hey." He said, looking casually over his shoulder and hoping she wouldn't panic as he tried to look around her, expecting to see two glowing red eyes somewhere among the diamond trees. "By any chance how does the back of your neck feel?" His was all tingly.