Arms Slave swung around the building using his chains. Despite being a warrior his mobility with the chains allowed him to out maneuver the rogues fighting him. They tried, in vain, to shoot him down, but even if their bullets connected it could do very little against his DR 5. Barely scratch damage. The rogues also had to be careful not to be knocked off their feet from Arms Slave swinging around, which one of them failed to do. He lost his balance and started sliding off the rooftop, falling to his death. With one left Arms Slave charged right to him by retracting his chain. He took a few shots from the rogue's guns, sure, but the rogue then had two axes embedded in his chest. And that wasn't all. Arms Slave continued to pull himself upwards until he and the rogue was above the hole. Then he release his hold on the chain, and the two began to plummet to their deaths. Or the rogue did, as Arms Slave saved himself from the potential fall damage by using a chain catch onto the ceiling. [b]"Scrubs!"[/b] He was soon fired upon, which forced him to lower himself right into the path of Rocket Lancer. [hr] The firing squad advanced forward, never stopping to shoot unless they needed to reload. Their aim was abysmal, and their guns not particularly powerful, but with the sheer volume being pumped out it was only a matter of time before one of those bullets landed a crit. The berserkers initially engaged against Rocket Lancer and Midnight Soloist. They were about to charge when one of them started barking orders. [color=red]"Forget them! Attack the King!"[/color] The Berserkers moved around the other players, making a spirited charge strait towards Moon Rider. They abandoned any notion of defense for a full on offense; all five baring down on the lone king. Even if they were bisected or impaled, they could try to complete their blow so long as they could hold their weapon. The level five rogue outlaw took the opportunity of Rocket Lancer's attack to stack some damage himself. He knew that Rocket Lancer was aiming for Newt, so he readied to drop right in the path of Rocket Lancer's attack, timing it so that he lands on Rocket Lancer himself. And to try to maintain a hold of the warrior, the rogue attempted to stab both his daggers into Rocket Lancer's shoulders. If successful, the rogue would then try to angle Rocket Lancer towards the Black King. If not, then he's still have a chance to land near Midnight Soloist and hit her while she's occupied with the other fighters. All the while the rogue would be invisible until he actually lands an attack, or someone manages to stay close to him. [hr] It was then that black smog began to fill the room. The rogues didn't know where it came from; when it engulfed them they couldn't even see in front of their face. They began to fire in every direction, succeeding in absolutely nothing as their health was rapidly getting drained. They would die within three minutes if they couldn't escape the Miasma, and some before that. There were sounds of something getting smashed in the head, but it was masked underneath the sound of gunfire. Dark Wraith was casually finishing off the low level rogues by bashing them with her staff while they were stumbling through the miasma, doing more damage then usual thanks to the miasma lowing their physical defense to the point that even Dark Wraith could do meaningful harm to them. Of the 9, only 4 of them managed to get out of the black smog to escape their potential deaths in the toxic mist. Everyone else was either dead, or about to be. [hr] At the outskirts of the Black City the Dissolutions were doing their thing. The Dissolution Faust was fighting against was soon joined by four more at full health. They growled, somehow, at the lone healer and attacked all at once: All five leaped into the air and pounced at Faustian Shift. They would sink their claws into her flesh, drag her to the ground, and then tear her apart if at least one of them could hold her down. One out of five. Havoc's Dissolution snarled at her and backed up. Soon more Dissolutions joined it, but not just for a combined attack like with Faustian Shift. No, these Dissolutions jumped onto the lone one, healing it, fusing with it, and making it bigger. Much bigger. By the time all five were assimilated, the single level 1 dissolution became a level 2 giant slime dissolution. More claws, more damage, more mass, and more hurt. The beast roared at Havoc and flung itself into the air, intending to crush her underneath it's mass. It's impact radius was ten-feet; anything within would not only be crushed, but it would be adsorbed into it's body where it would begin to eat you alive. Jukebox, Kitten, and Hellum weren't having it any easier. With Corpse Collector creating Dissolutions right in front of them, they wasted no time hopping onto the vehicles and causing mayhem. The front of the Ivory Mask crew got totaled when the Dissolutions forced them into a flip. creating fiery carnage. They had only seconds to spare before the Dissolutions would get to Smitten Kitten's ride as well as Jukebox's. They needed to act quickly if they wanted to both avoid the flaming wreckage, as well as the slime dissolutions that were going to jump them.