[center][h1][color=lightblue][b][u]The United States of America[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W6ScDXwYjWA]The Declaration of War[/url] Six years prior.... The sun was barely peeking through the trees in this Minnesota morning. The day had started off slowly as the sky still held a see blue and gray tint from the snow storm that night. From across a white field a young boy ran towards a red barn. "Daniel!" The young boy shouted. "Dan! Momma' been looking for ya!" The boy begs to pant as he reached the barn doors but his deep panting was overwhelmed with the sound of heavy breathing and moaning. "Dan?" He said faintly. Inside the loft of the barn, two bodies wrestled for dominance atop a pile of hay. "Oh Danny... You know just-- Mmm" a young girl said. His fingers gently tugging on her hair. The twos romantic evening was interrupted by the young boys sudden appearance beside the two. "Hey!" The startled pair jumped from the ground as the boy began to laugh. Dan tried to held the young girl find her shirt as she held her chest. "Damnit Eugene!" Dan shouted, can't you even knock?!" December 7th, 1941... Things were far different in Hawaii, Dan could only laugh as he told the story of Eugene to his comrades inside a airfield barracks. "How was her .. Well ya know?" A soldier asked. Dan cracked a smile and held out his hand, "more than enough, they had-" before he could finish, an explosion sent Dan towards the ground. Dan stood up and slowly made his way towards the exit only to see smoke billowing from a battleship and tiny black specks diving and whirling about. "Oh shit! Dan shouted as he ran back in for his helmet and pistol. It was only after the second explosion did the airfields siren begs to wail, prompting men from their bunks. Men flooded towards their neatly parked aircraft. This was a easy feast for the oncoming attackers and with only one pass, most of the parked aircraft were destroyed. As quickly as the battle started, it seemed to end. After hours of sifting through wreckage, he found the picture of his fiancé Charlotte, the same girl he had toyed with in that barn so long ago. It was within days that the American war machine were to roar to life and Capt Daniel Winters was one of the first to experience this new world at war. --------------------- Washington D.C., December 1941. 'From: The United Federated States Thailand-Philippines-Malay State' Franklin Roosevelt sat pondering what this message was supposed to be. Some thought it to be a joke or Japanese misdirection. He pinched his nose as he reached for another note, "MacArthur.." He said softly. "Mr Roosevelt, I am aware of a set of strange circumstances that has lead to this message. I find myself in a predicament. Three carrier task forces and two marine divisions on maneuvers in Thailand find themselves in a new land. The Japanese attacking pearl harbor.. Russia ceasing to exist as it had.. I must ask, if this had all changed, has my men's home changed as well?" Roosevelt sat back, seemingly disregarding MacArthur's comments regarding home. "three carriers? Already near Japan?" He strummed his fingers but before he could get a proper thought, an admiral walked in. "Sir, one of our pacific subs sent word of a new landmass..." He opened a folder and read directly from a paper, "and I quote, "right out of thin fucking air. Had we not been at periscope depth we woulda' hit the damned thing." Sir, what are your orders." Roosevelt ran his fingers across his brow and took a few breath. "Alright, I want to know who or what is on this new pacific landmass.. Do not let this change our course though, we are at war with the axis powers and must, at all costs, defeat our foes." The admiral snapped a salute and promptly stepped out. Roosevelt reached for a pen. [@SgtEasy] [pre] To: The United Federated States Thailand-Philippines-Malay State From: The United States of America Hello allies across the pacific. If these events are true, that your world has been shot in to ours then I must simply warn you that it is a world full of doom. To your north is an enemy of America, the Japanese Empire whom of recent years had been pressing hard in to Asia. Their full intentions is unknown but complete dominance of the orient and pacific is clearly among them. I have received word that a sizable American naval force is by some miracle operating in the region. Perhaps this will help deter the Japanese menace from attacking your lands. Regardless of this deterrent or not, this turn of events is truly strange.. Strange times indeed. If America was your Ally in some prior time then rest assured that we are here as well.[/pre] ---In yet another time line--- German Leopard II, 207. Hannut Belgium, operation Fall Gelb. 1940 It seemed as if the day for lieutenant Koch was going from bad to worse.. Army maneuvers in god forsaken hot weather and now seemingly lost in Belgium? Command would be pissed if they found out. As Koch popped from his hatch to look around he noticed a change in the air, a cool breeze and soft warm rays of light peaking through white clouds. He closed his eyes but before he could bad in the cool air, he heard the sound of tanks. "Schroeder, turn 40' right. Armor contact!" As Koch locked the hatch, he looked through the infrared sights to see something he had only read about before, German panzer II's moving between two houses. "Is this some sort of reenactment?" Schroeder shook his head, "not sure but--" he was interrupted by what sounded like someone beating against the tank with a hammer. The driver, Meyer, shouted "Under fire, four targets ahead." Schroeder was quick to bring the mighty 120mm cannon to bear but Koch signaled him to hold fire, "Are those... Hotchkiss tanks?" The tanks continued to fire until one exploded, causing the others to split. Beside his tank, two of the PzII's rushed by.. Relatively speaking.. Firing in to the French tanks formation. Koch's mouth opened as he stared at the combat, "what... The fuck." His bewilderment was interrupted as more clanks from 35mm shells harmlessly bounced off the leopards armor. "Ahead full. Lets scare them off." The tank took off but before he could turn, the sound of crunching metal could be heard. "oops." Escaped Meyer's mouth as Koch made his way to assess the situation. Ahead French tankers rushed away as their little Hotchkiss was a partial pancake. Within seconds a group of Samoa's moved from the tree line. As they destroyed the pzII's, Koch ordered Schroeder to fire at one. When the tanks epic gun fired its 120mm AP round in to the center of the Samoa, the little tank quite literally exploded, sending the turret fifty feet into the air. It didn't end there as the shell had continued through its intended victim and went clean through a retreating Hotchkiss, splitting it nearly in two. The enemy was quick to retreat and as it ended, a pzIII pulled up aside. A young tanker rose from his hatch prompting Koch to follow. Koch recognized the tanker.. Koch's face went pale and a chill went down his spine as he looked the other tanker in the eyes "Grandfather?"