As the unlikely alliance cleared the castle exit, Archibald signalled back for Darius and Aiph to hold fast. Pullin ghis hood tighter across his head, he started to climb up a rise, shielding the majority of his face from sight. As his eyes crested the lip of the hill, they beheld a grim sight. Light shined off of sharpened weapons while banners were held high and waved by hooting Jehannan mercenaries. Small isolated pockets of the Grado keep garrison had either surrendered or were surrounded, about to be butchered. All in all it was not a pretty sight. Archibald's eye narrowed. While he was not one for royalty, he did feel bad for these men. They were probably honest soldiers trying to make a living, about to die due to another of their nation's petty disputes. He glanced back towards the other escapees. "Darius, Aiph, we take our leave now," he said with all the finality of a death sentence. Nodding simultaneously, the two fell into step behind Archibald, who was already striding away towards the south western woods. A voice stopped him in his tracks just before he entered the forest's humid embrace. Ge paused for a second. Turning around, he lifted up an arm with an open hand, before clenching it into a fist and dropping it down quickly. With a rustle, nearly a dozen humans revealed themselves from camoflague. Two of them loosened their nocked arrows while the others put away their axes, blades and crude spears. "I owe you NOTHING, imperials," Archibald said, his characteristic sardonic smile reappearing on his face. Two women dropped out of the trees behind Archibald, "In fact, Jehanna would probably pay highly for the heads of everyone here after our little sortie." In response, arrows were drawn and weapons ready again. Shrugging with an exasperated sigh, the bandit shook his head, "but in honour of our newfound camraderie, I'll let you guys leave in peace," he said with a sarcastic bow, before turning heel and walking away, signalling for his entire band to leave.