[center][b]Realm[/b][/center] As I walked through the city, I made sure I took in the sights. The city was peculiar, due to how some of the buildings had some rather wacky architecture, although it still seemed very off-putting, seeing such a mess of these structures all in one place. Constantly, only one word came to my mind. [i]Remniche.[/i] Weird, yes, but it felt as though it had some sort of connection to this . . . dream. I had yet to explore outside the city, although I supposed it would be best to allow myself some social interaction. I was still getting accustomed to this new body, so I wondered how it would impact others. I had noticed there was someone standing in front of what I presumed to be a museum, judging from how it looked. I also noticed a man standing in front of the museum, obviously ready to enter, and there seemed to have been some commotion inside of the building as well, which got me even more interested. I snatched the opportunity and made a dash to get inside of the museum. Unfortunately, by the time I had reached the entrance, some girl put up a closed sign and went away before I could have even acted. I assumed this meant my chances of finding out whatever was inside were dashed, but then, the closed sign seemed to have knocked itself down. After that, the door opened by itself. "Spooky," I muttered to myself as I entered, twirling my hair a bit. I surveyed the interior of the museum, trying to decide which way I should go. It had escaped my memory that I wasn't alone, and that there was another gentleman beside me.