"No-one really knows how the outbreak started, and certainly no-one expected it to go this far. Indeed there were little signs that this was going to be the world ending apocalypse that the media always made it out to be. In the initial hours of contamination there was little fear of it getting out of hand and the U.S. government was able to contain most infections. However, this changed quickly as the sun set on day one. The undead.. change at nightfall. The relatively harmless shamblers become Hyper violent and agile killing machines. In one night the U.S. government completely lost control of the situation. Entire towns were wiped off the map and the surviving population flooded out of cities to less populated rural areas. It's been a week since the undead gained the upper hand. Survivors have found that the only safe course of action was to move during the day and stay completely silent during the night.... For the love of God, be completely silent at nightfall." - From the journal of John York, Reporter for [i]The Daily Herald[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for players to join the zombie apocalypse. If interested PM me the following Name: Sex: Age: Appearance:(Photos welcome) Occupation: History:(As long or short as you please) Inventory:(Fairly minimal to begin with, the struggle is half of the fun) Skills:(No adding "Lock-picking specialist" half way in. Add it now or you can't do it. [i]Unless learned in game[/i]) I will post the thread when we have at least four players. I don't want more than five as that gets a bit overwhelming for everyone involved. I reserve the right to kill off YC, but I won't do so without contacting you first and if it's a big deal then we can atleast discuss why I shouldn't. ^.^ I'm not a jerk and if you aren't having fun then I have failed as GM.