[b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Race Description:[/b] N/A [b]Avatar:[/b] Kalem the Cycle Lord, and avatar of Sheesha the Goddess of Conception. It is said that Kalem is the gatekeeper to the circle of life, wherein life is continuously born anew. Traditional depictions of the Cycle Lord cast him as a giant serpent with four arms, carrying a crown of skulls upon his head. People worship Kalem so that he can continue to guard the sacred life cycle. [b]Name:[/b] Saamir Syed [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Saamir has a hawked nose, brown eyes and heavily tanned skin. He wears the same tattered garments as the rest of the farmhands, and doesn't seem to carry anything of any note. His hair his jet black, very thick and has grown down to the base of his neck. A light beard obscures the bottom half of his face, but is kept trim enough to allow others to see his rigid jawline. He carries a malnourished build, giving one the opinion that he often skips meals, however enlarged muscles from a life working the fields cling to his bone structure. [b]Current Equipment:[/b] The tattered rags on his back, and a sickle. [b]Handy Skills:[/b] Can horse ride on a basic level, but should not be considered an advanced rider. Also, he can read! Has some knowledge of blacksmithing, but is effectively an amateur at it. [b]Personality at RP's Start:[/b] Devout believer of Sheesha, and therefore frustratingly calm about most matters. He holds no open discriminations against anyone, regardless of race, gender or age. He tends to smile a great deal when talking, as if trying to ease the people he's talking to into believing that he is genuinely a nice guy. He can be very slow to anger, but at the same time, does not allow much room for heresy, and will not allow peers to insult Sheesha or her avatars. [b]Facts Likely Known To Others:[/b] [list][*]His family originates from Elastor, a desert realm hundreds of miles to the east, though he was born in Ashuran. [*]Saamir's mother passed away at his birth. [*]He has no brothers or sisters. [*]He has a father, Arak, who is Cowfallow's blacksmith. [*]Saamir and Arak get along famously. [*]Saamir is only planning on being a farmhand until he can save enough coin to buy his own blacksmithing tools, and then he will join his father at the forge. [*]He almost killed a man when he was drunk on ale, and hasn't drank since. Happened a few years ago.[/list]