[i][color=c4df9b]Slowly, a warm drop of sweat had once meandered down the brow of Warmunds face. It had streaked steadily along his dark burns and he had felt the sharp sting, he had heard the grizzled bubbling and smelt the faint aroma of flesh rise up through his nostrils. His trained hands had been holding his rifle steady for hours on end as he had watched the target making their deviant agreements, waiting for the right moment, the perfect second, when the three guards blinked in unison and the many cameras averted their eyes. As the droplet of sweat had tipped over the edge of his jawline and plummeted to the thick grass he lay in, his finger squeezed the faithful trigger and time slowed to the beat of his heart. The Target fell helplessly backwards over the barrier behind them and somehow managed to hold on desperately to the ledge, the bullet was not meant to pierce their filthy skin as its tip was wide and flat, instead it bounced to where they had been stood and began its count down. Warmund had watched through his scope as the two guards grappled to help their payer up and over to safety, all the time the coward screamed and wailed - though Warmund heard nothing as he was at such a distance away. Just as the target, a young and short man, dressed all in white with a deep blue streak through his black hair, planted his feet safely on the floor - the bullet erupted with flame and kinetic energy, an explosion that sent all three over the edge charred and singed into the red river below.[/color][/i] Such a bead of sweat seemed to move slowly down the face of one of the men at the stall as Warmund walked slowly over to his comrade who talked with the apparent vendor, spinning his pistol around in his hands, his cold eyes scanning the group. [color=fff79a][i]"Evening gentlemen, night is almost upon us."[/i][/color] Warmunds viscous voice swept across the alley, the nights cold breeze nothing compared to his raw cold expression. He stood beside his ally, but these men knew not of their professional relationship, thus Warmund did not disclose this information - it would seem this lowly salesman is having a good night.