[center][i]Luthica Cyrilleon[/i] [b][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kyGKBtHu94&hd=1]Charactertheme[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1iVtf7qLnM&hd=1]Fighttheme[/url][/b] --- [IMG=http://i.imgur.com/Hxi9PQa.png][/center] --- [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] [s]Kaien[/s] Independent [b]Persona[/b] "Better dead than forgotten..." Luthica is a rather serene and calm person, maybe even a bit cold. While definitly not shy she tends to keep thoughts to herself and tries really hard to be objective. Having experienced too much emotional pain, she treats people around her in a polite, but distant fashion. However, the rather reserved attidude changes when it comes to the Holy Church of Glân, making no secret out of her despise and hate, including her stupid wish of wanting Glân dead. Another contradiction of her personality is her suicidal recklessness, escaping death's embrace more than just once. Nonetheless Luthica is a kind soul that gladly helps those in need without anything in return, and who knows what really hides behind that cold pokerface? --- [center][b]Equipment[/b][/center] --- [b][u]Götterdämmerung[/u][/b] A gun obtained through the bonds of friendship and a promise. Resembling a black and casual revolver, it is able to hold just one bullet. That single bullet isn't ordinary though. Once fired, anyone who is hit suffers, apart from the ordinary gunshot wound, tremendous amounts of damage based on their magical capacity. Be it mana, chakra, chi, vim, energy, ... as long at is "mysterious" the target suffers increased damage. [b][u]Katana[/u][/b] Not feeling the urge to name her weapons, no matter how long they actually accompanied her, this is Luthica's choice of meele weapon. [b][u]3 Daggers[/b][/u] A rather sneaky weapon, Luthica has 3 hidden on her body. [b][u]Insignia of the Church[/b][/u] Luthica's current Anchor, the Insignia of the Church that all military units of Kaien own. Definitely not anything rare, it hold out for quite a while so far. --- [center][b]Abilities[/b][/center] --- [b][u]Space-Time Manipulation[/b][/u] Originally having studied in the fields of time-magic, Luthica has further advanced into space-time manipulation. This allows her to bend and reshape space-time at will. Clearly not an easy-subject, she definitely spend years on it and has still only scratched the surface. [b]Paradox[/b] Messing with forces that shouldn't be messed with, Luthica generates Paradox each time she uses her power. Paradox represents unstabilities in the very fabric of space, meaning her abilities are [s]easier to use[/s] stronger. However, it also increases the chance of things going wrong very badly, thus, higher paradox simply translates into a increased chance of Anomalies and Backfire to happen. [b]Anomalies[/b] [i]There are a lot more than this list gives, just to give an idea (feel free to suggest)[/i][list][*][u]Paradoxal hiccups[/u] Randomly teleporting around, tied to having a hiccup[/*] [*][u]Lolitaholic[/u] Changes Luthica's age in appearance and slowly grows back to the original[/*] [*][u]Innocent Bystanders[/u] Lets usually peaceful mooks appear[/*] [*][u]Temporal Stalker[/u] Summons a Temporal Beast. Apart from warping space-time heavily around itself it is hostile towards anyone else, especially the creator of the anomaly[/*] [*][u]Temporal Storm[/u] Different space-time related effects in a very large radius[/*] [*][u]Turn the Tides[/u] Makes a handful of people older and younger in all aspects, fixes itself over time[/*] [*][u]Paradog[/u] A loyal [s]time[/s] Paradog falls from the sky[/*] [*][u]Bubble of Slow Time[/u] Wither applied in a radius[/*] [*][u]Reality has Shifted[/u] Reduces Paradox by a great amount[/*] [*][u]Hasten World[/u] Makes time progress faster[/*] [/list] [b]Backfire[/b] "Backfire" is simply the term for Luthica's wonders backfiring on herself, apart from taking mental damage. [b]Age[/b] Luthica's Age is frozen in time, while originally the accomplishment of time-magic this is now a permanent effect. [b]Shifting & Anchor[/b] The more Luthica uses her power over space-time the more she pushes herself out of this worlds timeline. This has the effect of people slowly forgetting her, in fact, if they are not refreshing their memory of Luthica, in fact people can forget her in just about 24 hours. However, this is only the case if Luthica has actually set an Anchor. She is able to enchant an object in a way that extinguishes it in a way to belong into that timeline. Using her powers makes picked object slowly break, the more common the object the easier it gets destroyed. Without an anchor it would take Luthica just a few minutes to be forgotten. [hider=Note][i]Refreshing their memory means actively calling Luthica into their mind, it is not required to know her name or even her exact appearance. It is enough to recall her as the "Woman that bought the last piece of bread in front of me, hey I actually saw this woman 2 days ago, they are the same person!" for example.[/i][/hider] --- [*][b]Leitmotif[/b] [i]Range: 15m Paradox generation: very low - Paradox Galore[/i] Luthica's greatest accomplishment, Leitmotif allows her to change the status of an entity freely in a 24 hour time frame of the past. Meaning she can heal wounds, nullify attacks, repair damage done to objects and the like. Furthermore what is seen as an entity, as well its position, depends on the perception of the user, meaning it could affect a window or a skyscraper. While she can use it on herself, it won't lower her Paradox.[/*][hider=Example]Let's use a gun, someone shots the gun and the bullet is stuck in the victim. Luthica "heals" the body via Leitmotiv, at the same time the bullet is also reverted back into the gun or flight path. Same victim, but the bullet penetrated the poor guy. Leitmotiv -> victim healed -> bullet stuck wherever it hit. Now Leitmotiv is applied to the gun instead, the weapon "reloads" with the magazine used, all bullets spread are returned into the gun, the victim still has its injuries.[/hider] [*][b]Infinite Regress[/b] [i]Range: - Paradox generation: very low[/i] Luthica is able to fold multiple dimensions of an entity over itself, mainly used to greatly amplify the damage dealt by weapons or protection of armor. This, however, puts immense pressure on said objects and makes them break apart rather rapidly. Furthermore, Luthica needs some time to attune, understanding, the entity, meaning she can actually only use it on her equipment.[/*] [*][b]Future Sight[/b] [i]Range: - Paradox generation: high [/i] Luthica is able to peek up to 5 seconds into the future before returning to the point of cast. While dying with Future Sight active won't kill her, it creates a huge Backfire on her. This also splits the timeline, meaning another timeline split can't be used at the same time.[/*] [*][b]Blink | Teleport[/b] [i]Range: varies Paradox generation: low - Paradox Galore[/i] A simple blink or, how some call it, teleport. While sight of the destination is not required it is [u]greatly[/u] advised.[/*] [*][b]Accelerate[/b] [i]Range: 20m Paradox generation: low[/i] Increases the targets overall speed.[/*] [*][b]Wither[/b] [i]Range: 20m Paradox generation: low[/i] Decreases the targets overall speed.[/*] [*][b]Timeline Threading[/b] [i]Range: - Paradox generation: -[/i] Luthica takes her time to reorganize the timelines in an acceptable order, reducing Paradox over time as well removing existing anomalies.[/*] [*][b]Flux Reality[/b] [i]Range: - Paradox generation: low[/i] Able to change her perception of time, this allows Luthica for an increase in her reaction time.[/*] [*][b]Fortune's Culling[/b] [i]Range: - Paradox generation: very low[/i] By reorganizing different timelines in a way more favourable for her, this increases Luthica's own luck.[/*] [*][b]Strength of Purpose[/b] [i]Range: - Paradox generation: very low[/i] Able to control the space-time continuum to a certain degree, this slightly boosts her physical power.[/*] --- [b]Basic Magic[/b] Grown up in Kaien, Luthica got forced to have basic lessons in all aspects of magic. Apart from maybe enchanting she actually never uses those though. [b]Luthica Arts[/b] A silly name for Luthica's own fighting style as she uses kind-of brute force over magical supremacy. Meaning she does know her way in a brawl. --- [center][b]Additional Info[/b][/center] --- ... --- [center][b]Post Example[/b][/center] --- The sun sat already high over Daer as its rays bathed Luthica in a warm light. With the natural warm greeting of mother nature it didn't take long for the [i]young[/i] girl to wake up, positioned rather uncomfortable between the ruins of a broken down hut. Slowly standing up, the white-haired figure stretched before proceeding to grab a bottle of stagnant water. Emptying it she didn't spend much more time to remain in this burnt down shack on the border of a rather small, independent, village. The village itself was mostly spared from the eternal war, making the residents rather friendly towards strangers. Even so, a stranger was still a stranger and as Luthica walked down the muddy path it did not dissuade them from gazing at her. The woman stopped caring since long ago, knowing at least the name of every elder, without blaming them for anything she didn't even waste her time looking at their faces while making haste towards the graveyard. The Graveyard, anyone not accustomed to this place would hardly recognize it as one. More like a field full of mossy stones stapled upon each other in all variations on forms under the protection of a rather giant tree, Luthica knew exactly where she was heading to. Stopping in front of a formation of 5 very flat in moss covered rocks which a spider claimed her home, she finally spoke up. [b]"It has been a long time."[/b] a sad smile came across her face as she proceeded staying there. She was never a person of many words and that didn't change now, still, there might have been some hope left in that fragile body of hers that the dead would never forget... . No one knew, and definitly not god, how much time Luthica had just spend there, but as the sun had made her way all to the west, she also turned her back to leave this place, and village, alone for another year. [b]"Until next time."[/b]