[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-14706267_zps64516cfe.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Aubrey Adkins[/b][/center] I clung to the side of one of the buildings which I used to anchor the massive spider web (or rather giant cob web), waiting for something to happen. Athena told me to just hang out towards the side and hold onto one web line that was attached to the center of the web. The string would alert me if anything has gotten caught in the giant web. I patiently gripped the silky thread, wondering when something would happen. Then I felt a tingling inside my head. Why did I need this strand of silk in my hands if my ripped-off 6th sense could alert me to danger? Well, I would find out shortly why. Even though I had advance warning, I still was not prepared for what was about to happen. In the short span of a few seconds, the entire web began to shake rapidly, let alone the silk strand that I held in my hand. In fact, the intensity of disturbance took me by surprise, causing me to loosen the grip around the strand and let it fall down to the alleyway floor. Even after the onset of this disturbance, the web continued to shake, although the vibrations diminished as time passed. Although my gut feeling told me not to leave the safety of my hiding spot, I pulled myself onto the web. When I scanned around the area to see what had caused the massive shaking in my web, I first saw a silver and blue figure floating in the sky. His silver cape was flapping in the wind as he hovered there. From his expression, I could tell that he was looking at something in the web. Therefore, I ‘followed’ his gaze to the place where Icon was looking. Ensnared in my web was the so-called Servant of Ares. Just as Athena had planned. Before I had confronted this Greek demi-god wannabe at that giant shrine of Ares, Athena had discussed with me her plan to oust both Ares and his servant. At this stage of the plan, the Goddess of Wisdom told me that this would be the most dangerous part (considering what happened to me when I first confronted him, I have no idea why I’m doing this). She said that this portion of the plan would be like a spider trying to land the finishing blows on a wasp that was trapped in its web. While the wasp has been ensnared in the sticky substance that composed the spider’s web, the deadly insect was not helpless. Without taking the necessary precautions, the spider could easily be stunned and killed by the wasp. Figures that Athena would use a Homeric simile to describe this situation. After taking a deep breath, I began to climb down my silky trap, down to where the Servant of Ares was stuck. With each step, walking with eight legs became easier and easier, although there were a few times where I almost tripped over myself. I have found that [b]not[/b] focusing on moving each individual leg helped things out. A normal person does not need to focus her attention to moving her two legs. Why should I? Once I was a few feet away from the man who was ensnared in the web, I took a few more steps towards him, positioning myself just close enough so that I could encapsulate him with some more silk. How difficult could that be? Yes, Athena did say it would be dangerous, but with my wrist web shooters, I probably could do from a safe distance. Therefore, I aimed my wrists at the man and squeezed down the triggers. However, nothing came out. Hoping that this was just a user error, I pressed the triggers down a second time. This time, only a small amount sprayed out. Looking down at my spider abdomen, I realized that, since apparently my wrist spinnerets were low on silk, I was going to have to do this the hard way. What my luck. Eerily enough, one of my hind legs had already drew out a strand of silk from the spinnerets that were located on my spider abdomen. I curled down and grabbed the strand from my leg. Once I straightened out, I could feel the silk being pulled from the spinnerets. Honestly, I don’t think I will ever get use to that weird feeling. Well, looks like I now have to stick this onto this guy and start spinning him around as the spider silk encases him. God help me.