[b][NPC][/b] [b][u]Xelhobin[/u][/b] [hider=Xelhobin's true form] [img]http://www.mccallumart.com/concept/CHARCATER/183678_10150140915905799_363814625798_7953353_3995914_n-1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Xelhobin's host] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/7fe8/i/2010/094/b/8/dark_warrior_by_lordthursday.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]"Do you reckon if I split a Dwarf in half with my blade, ale will burst out everywhere?"[/i] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Xelhobin (Spirit) | Inaarak (Host) [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Unknown [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Shadow demon (Spirit) | Human-Shadowbeast Hybrid (Host) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Affiliation:[/b][/u] Council of the Damned [u][b]Height:[/b][/u] Freeform (Spirit) | 6ft 4" (Host) [u][b]Weight:[/b][/u] Weightless (Spirit) | 91Kg | 200lbs (Host) [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Xelhobin himself is just as ancient as Arkus, crafted by the Gods on Welfall as the Host of Shadow. He held a feud with the Dragon Goddess named Tjecel, they fought for millennia, and after all that time Xelhobin was annihilated before being cast through a newly created rift leading to Arkus. The rift, known as the "Abyssal Maw", was opened up in the middle of the Drowning Expanse, almost above where Nykrileth resides. Things could go through the rift to Arkus, but they couldn't return; and thus Dragons were introduced to Arkus. It's odd to comprehend that Dragons, famed beasts of Arkus, are in fact an alien race. Anywho, ever since Xelhobin was cast through the rift, his godly status was ripped straight from him, shattering his previous form and weakening him to merely a fraction of his original power. For millennia he wandered Arkus as a mere shadow, that was until the Council of the Damned awakened. He saw the opportunity to regain a portion of his power, and he took it, in fact he was specially selected by Ko'roth to fill in the position. However, in order to stabilize his current spectre form, he had to take control of a host; possess a living being and take him/her for his own to use for many purposes. Inaarak, a Blademaster that originated from Unik, offered himself as a mortal "sacrifice" so to speak, directly for Xelhobin. The two work in synergy together, though it's mostly Xelhobin taking control, the only time Inaarak has control is when Xelhobin is forced out of his shell. [b][u]Flaws:[/u][/b] 1. Easily separated from his host 2. Physically unstable 3. Highly reactive to Aether when exposed