Fear. Rage. Hate. Pain. Two buttons lit up on the kolto tank's control panel after several thuds rocked the glass and it began to shudder. It was initiating emergency release protocols. The door zipped to the side and Iisska stepped out, still retching from having the breathing tubes ripped out of him while awake, and immediately lost balance and hit the floor. His head was spinning and his heart was racing. Where was that bastard? It took several long moments of confusion for him to finally realize he was on the Harpoon. Several more moments passed before he tried to get up again. Many of the deeper wounds on his face and body had not closed yet and his skin and skull burned. Every motion was a chore as he was finding it damn near impossible to keep himself from tipping over to the right. He had to support himself on the tank and other objects. "Marquis!" he found the motionless droid propped up against the wall and clumsily knelt beside him, "Hey, wake up will ya?" He shook Marquis and got no response. He lifted his head up and examined him. There was way more damage here than he had initially seen. Many of the repairs he would need would not leave him as he was before. Iisska listened. There was no faint hum from processors or electric current. All the lights were off. Someone had done more than just hit the off switch. "Shit," he hissed. He swiveled to look over his shoulder. Resting in bunks and makeshift cots was the rest of the crew, all still out cold. Quin and Nyrette were attached to monitors. It was all coming back in more detail than he ever wanted. Every horror right up until he bit Radon in the arm. Everything after that was red and black. Not sure what else to do he went to them. He wanted to wake someone up. Find out what happened. Ask them how they got back to the ship. Ask them if this was a trick. The injuries were extensive and gruesome. They needed to rest. He doubted he would be able to get any of them awake even if he tried. After stumbling once more he placed a hand on Quin's bedside. She was hooked up to oxygen and pale. Almost white or greyish in color, even in the lips, with dark bruises around her eyes. That couldn't be good. The monitor showed her heart beating extremely slow. Most of the information was being displayed in a yellow color a few things in red and almost nothing in green. "You next, then," he mumbled. He unhooked her and hefted her up off the bed with a pained grunt. He cursed through his teeth after nearly falling over again. "You say [i]I'm[/i] the fat one?" After a few more minutes of struggling Quin was in the kolto tank, floating peacefully, but still looking like death. Now it was Marquis' turn. Iisska flopped down next to him breathing heavily. One trip across the room and he was already dizzy. "Tell me you killed that fuck face dead," he wheezed at Marquis, "... Now... what to do with you..." Iisska ran over the options in his head. Without knowing exactly what was wrong, he didn't want to go tinkering around with someone's body. Obviously there was a power issue. Maybe if he could get him hooked up to an external power source or A.I. drive even, he could get a few words out of him and an idea of what to do next. Perhaps Trinity would know. The A.I. core! "Got it," he snapped his fingers. With Marquis slung over his shoulder and a roll of bandages and gauze in his teeth Iisska began the now much harder than usual trek to the maintenance bay and the A.I. core. Oh what he wouldn't give to not be missing good five pounds from the left side of his head and the ability to be able to walk a straight line again. He nearly dropped Marquis at the base of the A.I. core then spent some time figuring out how to open him up and get him jury rigged to the ship somehow. Lucky for him Trinity was somewhat present to walk him through the process. However, once he was done she silenced herself completely. Iisska curled in a warm spot nearby and began to patch himself up. It wasn't long before Kobel wedged himself into the tight spot as well and curled up with his master who had already passed out again.