No longer under construction and ready for grading. [hider=Subject 419][center] [b]Name |[/b] Esdras / Subject 419 [b]Appearance |[/b] [img][/img] [b]Physical Age |[/b] 24 [b]Height/Weight |[/b] 6'6” / 151lbs [hider=Personality] Esdras is a composed man whose rather sedated expressions hides a very angsty and dark monologue. He sees the world and others as his play things, toys to be put back in the box whenever he's done with them; or, if it pleases him, to be torn apart and thrown away. Among his dark lines are subtle lies, a fickle rage, and a sadistic joy from watching others fail. Most would compare such cruelty to a demon but its only the front of a agonizing storm. Pain swirls in a heavy hurricane as negativity grips at him. Happiness is always a league and a half away, and if he ever reaches it, its always fading and short-lived. This happens regardless of the situation or his outlook, for his power often drains him of positive emotions. Leaving only hatred, dark ambitions, and sadness. [/hider] [hider=Demon Farce] [img][/img] [hr] Esdras powers are contained, sealed if you will, in a alternate form that he controls with great pain and effort on his part. When he transforms, the mutations that he undergoes, the dark power that courses through him is similar to fire dancing on the skin. The ability to manipulate magnetic fields is the strength he gains in this form. While not necessary, transforming does increase his capabilities. When using this ability, metals such as iron, nickle, cobalt, and rare earthen minerals are under his control. Esdras has observed that he can generate and manipulate magnetic fields, attract and repel metal objects, construct magnetic force fields, and to his own surprise, sense disturbances in the field. Physical limits have been noted, he can only lift objects that weight up to 4 automobiles and his range for his magnetic awareness stretches to over ten meters (30ft) around himself. Its weaknesses comes in the form of the objects he uses. Magnetism in a object can be degenerated by extreme heat and creating magnetic fields takes a literal minute to construct and implant within the existing field.[/hider] [b]Other |[/b] [url=]Hunters are Evil[/url] [/center][/hider]