Marianne’s happy smile twisted wider at Konrad’s shriek. It was a sign that he liked her gift and greatly appreciated it too. Obviously. She nodded in thanks to both Jerod and Konrad before clasping her still bloodied hands together in joy, much to the Healer’s chagrin no doubt. [color=a187be]“Oh this is so wonderful! It’s always nice to make new friends, isn’t it? Say now, what are we supposed without the presence of fearless leader to guide us?”[/color] It was an honest question and the Dark Mage glanced around to see if anyone else was doing anything worthwhile. It seemed that Jacob had not yet returned to check up on his new Shepherd group. Frowning at his lack of an appearance, Marianne looked up to both Jerod and Konrad with a pleasant expression. [color=a187be]“Hmm, shall we go and search for fearless leader?”[/color]