Laytn slowed his Wappa as Milo searched in the direction of the flare with his binoculars. When he called over the headset that there were indeed Federation mobile suits downrange, Laytn was simultaneously on edge and relieved. This was it, the moment that the 261st had been moving inexorably towards since the Prime Minister’s call for surrender. It seemed surreal to Laytn, like a dream that had been tormenting his sleep had now somehow blossomed into reality. “Roger that, Feddie mobile suits downrange,” Laytn said. “Two human types, and a tank type with a possible support vehicle.” Setting his Wappa into a full hover, Laytn sighed audibly into his helmet’s mouthpiece. “Well, if they wanted to frag us, they certainly had the opportunity. I guess it’s time to go pull our pants down, eh?” Laytn took a moment to relay back to the convoy there position, the disposition of the Federal force, as well as the fact that he and Milo were about to attempt peaceful contact. He ended his transmission with, “Standby for further information, and stay frosty.” Signaling to Milo, Laytn coaxed his Wappa forward. As the hovercraft raced over the dunes towards the Federation position, Laytn made sure to keep his movements predictable, and as non-threatening as possible. With each meter of desert that flew beneath him, his heart seemed to pound ever harder within his chest. He had never been this close to Feddie troops without engaging them, and every ounce of his being seemed to cry out against trusting them now. As the meters ticked away, the mobile suits became clear on the horizon. In short order, Laytn could make out the silhouette of the war machines. “Check me here, Milo. I got what looks like an RGC-80, an RX-75, and a…yep, an RGM-79 GM,” he said. “Is that what you’re seeing? Their weapons seemed to be stowed.” Closing to within five-hundred meters of the lead mobile suit, Laytn began to slow his Wappa once more. His eyes affixed to the hulking, distinct features of the GM, at no time wavering from the looming metallic gaze. Never before had he been so close to one, at least not without the deadly beam saber, or beam spray gun of the Federation mobile suit being brought to bear against him. The sound of the blood coursing within his ears was almost deafening now, and time seemed to slow as Laytn at last brought his Wappa to a mere fifty meters of the GM. With a diminishing whine, Laytn dropped power from the hover fans, bringing the Wappa to rest gently on the loose sand. As the landing feet settled, he switched off the engine, and powered down the other systems. Taking off his helmet, Laytn swung his feet around, and lifted himself from the crash couch of the Wappa. Standing beside the hovercraft, he affixed his cover onto his head, and came to stand at attention facing the Federation mobile suits. Stone faced, his jaw set, Laytn waited for Milo to join him.