Race: Human Race Description: N/A Avatar: The Rat. Mill follows The Rat because he believes that there will always be a struggle for life, but that ultimately life will not change. Maybe the humans will push back the orcs, but the orcs will return someday. Or maybe the orcs will triumph, but in the end humans will rise back up and drive them out. There may be temporary victories, but nothing will truly change in the end. Name: Mill Grayer Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: Mill is tall and gaunt with a perpetual forlorn look on his face. He has black that is roughly cut short and blue eyes. He wears a white work shirt with a brown leather vest over it. He also wears brown leggings and thick boots. He is somewhat muscular, but not as much as some of the other farmhands. Current Equipment: Besides his work clothes Mill is only carrying the scythe he was using to cut wheat, he owns a bow and a few arrows but they are at his house. He also has a pendent shaped like the avatar he worships, The Rat. Handy Skills: Mill has some experience with tanning and leather work, as well as carving and fletching. Personality at RP's Start: Mill is a glum person in general. He tends to be very pessimistic and is usually the first to point out how something could go wrong. Despite this, he can be a good and loyal friend, and he is not the type to leave someone behind. Furthermore, as a follower of The Rat and Fala, he believes that the Orc invasion is just as futile as the human defense, which in his mind puts them on equal footing. Also due to his belief that life has no deep meaning, he is often the first to volunteer for any suicidal plan or action since living or dying makes no difference to him. Facts Likely Known To Others: Mill is not generally very talkative, but having worked with the others for some time they have come to know him fairly well. They know he is not a good person to talk to if they need cheering up and that he tends to depress people unintentionally. However, they also know that he is a good person overall and that he works hard to support his younger sister, who is a follower of an avatar of Magmehn and is the complete opposite of Mill.