Logan walked along at a steady pace. He was supposed to meet Colonel Blade aboard the Parvan's Claw soon. He had seen a picture of Blade, and he looked like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to piss off. He shuddered at the thought of how he would react if he was late. Logan quickened his pace a little. After all of the crap he'd been through, that was the last thing he wanted to deal with. This was the first time Logan had ever been on, or even seen a landcruiser. When he finally arrived at the landcruiser docks and saw the Parvan's Claw, his jaw dropped. He heard these things were big, but this wasn't what he was expecting. It was a lot bigger than he thought it would be. He admired the Paravan's Claw for several minutes before he remembered that he had to meet someone. His eyes moved back and forth, searching for Colonel Blade. It only took a few minutes for him to find what he was looking for. A one-eyed fox with a prosthetic arm; that was definitely Blade. Two others stood with him, a tiger and a jackal. Logan approached the group, and saluted Blade. "Private Logan Sheridan reporting for duty, sir."