"I think it's cool," Sophia said with a warm smile as she navigated the maze of streets. The part of town they were currently in was a lot older than the rest of the city, and it showed. The buildings were smaller, the roads were narrow and made of brick, and the shop signs were all hand-painted. There were neat little gardens and climbing ivy carefully tended to in order to make sure it didn't grow too wild. Overall this old shopping district was cleaner and quieter than the rest of the city, which suited Sophia perfectly fine. Most of this area's inhabitants were also older, but they were all polite and patient. To Sophia, stepping into this part of town was like stepping back in time. There was an antique shop, the candy shop, a small clothing store, a bakery, a toy store, and a general store just to name a few. And the best part? Most of these places continued to make a lot of their products by hand even to this day. The candy store was by far the most modern business in this area, but for as much mass-produced candy that they stocked they [i]made[/i] just as much from old family recipes. "There's Krazy Kandy!" Sophia exclaimed happily as the colorful store came into view.