[color=9e0b0f][b]HMCS Annapolis(104), New Heading North Africa[/b][/color] Captain Monroe looked to the port side of his bridge seeing his original convoy had almost doubled in size and security overnight, due to another convoy that was waiting joined the convoy destined for a full division destined to reinforce the British in Africa. Stress and irritation filled was written across the face of every sailor in the bridge of the Canadian Destroyer. “Captain permission to speak freely, sir.” Asked a sailor that was looking down to the sonar console on the bridge. “ Permission granted.” Replied Monroe as he turned to look at the sailor that returned a guilty look. “Sir, why are we not returning to Canada during this time of crisis going on at home, eh? ” asked the sailor as he looked to the deck at his feet. “ I know that this is a very big kerfuffle at home right now, but if we turned around now and went back to Canada we would wade through u boat infested waters, Britain would fall, and then well were still trying to figure this out we would be hit by the entire Axis and be fighting this war one are door step.” Said Monroe without hesitation as he knew it was not a completely reassuring statement.” Beside are nation will handle this situation and show are allies what Canada can really do.” He said as attempted to lifted some of their spirits but not by much. [pre]From: Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King To: The Sovereign Dominion of Newfoundland I would like to solve this matter peacefully and will be heading to St. John with all due haste to begin to figure this matter out, and to return Canada’s focus to the War with the enemies of the Commonwealth. We will be coming by air one transport and two escourts, no other canadian craft will cross the current border. [/pre] [color=9e0b0f][b] Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King[/b][/color] Prime Minister King was in his town car with a pair of assistants sitting his vehicle, as a pair of jeep full of Canadian soldiers escorted him all the way from his manor. The Small convoy came along a hanger where a Boeing 247 was already idling with four hawker hurricanes ready to taxi up the run way. “Well return as soon as possible. “Said King to his wife as he and his assistants climbed out of the vehicle. King his assistants and four armed soldiers hustled to the Boeing and boarded. Engines grew from a a low continues rumble to a loud higher continues roar. Slowly the Three planes climbed higher and higher as they began their journey to Newfoundland. [color=9e0b0f][b] Second Lieutenant Martin,Campbell "D" Company of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, Kowloon,China [/b][/color] Second Lieutenant Campbell watched through binoculars as unknown troops were moving along a ridgeline between his platoon and the Gin Drinkers line. “Those are the Japanese!” nearly shouted Campbell as he was caught off guard not expecting them there. “Break into sections and form a firing line on the double!” Ordered Campbell as he and his men began scrambling to firing positions stretched across the ridgeline. Shots rang out fired by Japanese from the opposite ridge they impacted all across the ground in front of them or close missies. “Return fire!” Ordered Campbell as he looked down at the opposite ridge through his iron sights and pulled his trigger, his rifle bucked and roared as he fired at the Japanese soldiers. He pulled the bolt back on his Lee Enfield MK III as he had done so many times before in training, sending a smoking used casing spiraling away as he pulled the bolt back, He pushed the bolt back into position chambering a new round in his rifle. Soldiers began opening fire and faster deep guttural roars of Bren Machine Guns joined the small battle on the ridge.