[quote=Foster]-In short, nature is Cthulhu. Just be glad it isn't to kill us; it still does, in very horriffic ways. [/quote] So War has been declared, by sheer apathy (can it be considered apathy when Nature doesn't even recognize Man as anything more worthy of note than said horse-fly?) and our dominating need to be counted. :) I can go with that. But all joking aside, it never ceases to amaze me the multitude of ways to approach any one subject. This is a common enough thread in evolutionary psychology of which I am a huge fan. Namely, mankind is but one more cog in the great wheel of Nature and to think otherwise, is just a tad bit spoiled rotten and a little egocentric of us (us, being mankind). And actually, no evolutionary psychologist would actually SAY that. What is said, instead, is that we are, on an evolutionary clock, not so far removed from the rest of the natural world. In fact, it is this truth which binds and directs much of our behaviors, and just because we can symbolize things (put them into words) doesn't necessarily make reality any more complex than our reaction to our root biology. In other words, I think we've as much chance making it through Nature's gauntlets as does an amoeba or a cockroach, provided we have the needed dna for survival.