[b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Avatar:[/b] Caninn Troy. But Gnorlin doesn't worship him for the usual reasons. No, he adores the idea of magic, and since there is no magic in these times, he has retorted to worshiping the last known powerful sorcerer known to men. [b]Name:[/b] Gnorlin Sparklebrow [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Before] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/4581/th/pre/i/2011/208/b/c/comission___gnome_alchemist_by_thewildgrape-d41sld6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=After] [img]http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/alchemist-Damiel.jpg[/img] (just imagine him being smaller)[/hider] [b]Current Equipment:[/b] - A small scythe specially crafted for smaller creatures. - A dagger. Always with him. You know... just in case. - A stupid book he got for his birthday called 'Brews & bombs for dummies'. Maybe he had some time to read it in the breaks. [b]Handy Skills:[/b] - Sneaky. Being small has it's advantages. - Observant. Gnomes are known for having keen eyes! Gnorlin isn't any different in that. - Jack of all trades. Mainly because he's good at nothing and usually doesn't last longer then 2 weeks on a job... [b]Personality at RP's Start:[/b] Gnorlin has become rather shy due to all his failings in the past. He tends to avoid people, as they only make fun of him. But oh boy... If something succeeds (or when he had too much to drink), you'll never hear the end of him. Before he started failing at every job that was human-... gnomely possible, he was a cheerful lad, full of potential and laughter. [b]Facts Likely Known To Others:[/b] Gnorlin is known as a rather useless idiot who doesn't really excel at anything. He also has a rather large unpaid tab at the local inn... It is said he's no longer welcome until he pays the bills.