A low rumble which could practically shake the floor, it sounding like the growl of a particularly large lion who had gone with out eating for just a bit too long, erupted from the apartment door that belonged to no other than Arty. Inside the apartment itself the noise was not any better, it was a surprise that the array of pictures and other decorations that were placed around the apartment weren't rattling around. The sound only grew louder the closer one would get to the bedroom where the origin of the monstrous noise was sprawled across his bed. It was of course the behemoth Arty who was causing such a disturbance with each of his deep, rough snores that sounded as if he was gargling rocks. This was a common sight and sound, no matter how horrid it was, in Arty's apartment after he got off working the late shift. The mountain of the man always slept until noon when he could, was usually the only time he could just relax, and after last night he felt like he really needed that. After he got off his shift Arty headed right home, he was too wiped out to do anything else and wanted nothing more than to crash in his bed. So with a quick bus ride home and walking up four flights of stairs Arty did just that. It was almost noon now and Arty's plan of sleeping in was almost accomplished when he felt something tapping his face. [color=00a651][b]"Ugggghhhh.... what?"[/b][/color] The fiery haired man groaned groggily as he managed to halfway open one of his eyes. He was greeted to the sight of a small kitten sitting on his chest and yet another tapping of the small furball's paw against his forehead. [color=00a651][b]"Morning to yo' too Nessie.."[/b][/color] He said tiredly as he began to stir. [color=00a651][b]"I take it it's time for breakfast."[/b][/color] Arty continued as he sat up and smiled at Nessie, softly petting her on the head. A few moments later the giant had pulled himself out from under his blankets and dragged himself out of the bedroom and into the apartment's kitchen. Arty stretched as he found the box of cat food he placed top of the refrigerator before turning completely around and bending down to poor some of the box's contents into the small pink bowl set on the floor. Arty grew a soft smile as Nessie mewed and began to nibble on her food. The nearly bare man, seeing as Arty preferred to sleep only in his boxers, then went to his refrigerator. He let out a sigh as he pulled out his rather sad breakfast, half a sub from two nights ago. [color=00a651][b]"Yo' really need to go shoppin'."[/b][/color] He said with a shake of his head as he walked himself to the living room and sat down on his rather beaten up couch and turned on his T.V. Half way through his meal Arty remembered that he had made plans with Ryva the night before that he completely blew off. [color=00a651][b]"Shite..."[/b][/color] He mumbled as he pulled out his phone and started to text as fast as his clumsy thumbs would allow him. [color=00a651][i]"Hey lass sorry for blowing you off last night, I was wiped by the end of my shift and just headed home. Let me know if you want to hang out." -Arty[/i][/color] After firing off the text Arty slumped back into his couch and let out a sigh. He was going to try and relax for now because judding from last night Arty felt like things were going to pick up sooner or later.