[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] 30th day of Crimsia, 6th Stretch of the morning [b]Starting Location:[/b] Green Fall [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2896760]Alya Eloen[/url] The fog was heavy this morning, a lot heavier than normal, though not to the point of concern. The sun was just beginning to rise over the Indigia mountains to the east, and as they did every day at this time, the Jacks were geared up and heading out to the forest for another long day of felling timber, along with the Ebon Knights on patrol for the village's protection, adorned in their blackened steel armor. The local artisans were opening their workshops, ensuring that their apprentices were being productive and not slacking due to the early hour. A hair-foot halfling, a man that was surprisingly muscular and stout for his race, was carving away at a massive felled trunk with a variety of chisels and hand axes, whistling a light tune to help him keep the time. As he shaped and molded the wood, he stopped mid-swing, looking up and out into the fog, toward the forest. It looked as if he'd heard something, but couldn't quite make it out, and was waiting for it to sound once more. Shaking his head, he returned back to his work. However, he was interrupted once more, looking back to the assumed source, when his eyes widened. A massive wolf, the size of a horse was sauntering toward him, arrows in its back, and a black, armored limb hanging from its bloodied maw. Before the halfling could yell out a warning, the deep booming of the Ebon Knights horn resounded over the village, three blasts. That meant everyone needed to seek immediate shelter, and all Knights were to converge on the village center. The halfling dropped his tools, turned and ran, pumping toward the nearest door, the one belonging to the local tavern and inn, The Surly Stump. The door was closed from the chill, though a few patrons, mostly those staying there overnight were inside at breakfast. They had heard the horn blasts, and the halfling yelling. Then there was a crashing thud, as the door was impacted by something far heavier than a halfling man. The door bowed and splintered, but held. The patrons inside could hear the snarling of the creature, the ripping of flesh and bone. Fear was flooding the place, and Susie, the barmaid, knew a panic would set in very soon.