"Heh, save your threats for the little girls who would be intimidated by them." Sanctus said in response to Andres's threat. Lilith and Sanctus were lead by a soldier to their confiscated weapons and armor, which they put on. Then they were taken to meet the rest of the new Shepherds. Sanctus was surprised to see several familiar faces, including the creepy girl and the mercenaries that helped the Champion earlier. "Small world." He muttered. He separated from the other prisoners and hung out unobtrusively away from the rest of the Shepherds. Lilith took a moment to take a glance around the room, before walking up to the group. She waited for a pause in the conversation, then she introduced herself. "Hello, everyone. My name is Lilith, I assume the rest of you are part of this group that is being formed?" She said, trying to be polite, although it came out rather coldly.