Arathyra frowned as Habit left, she really would've liked it if the charming man could've stayed. No doubt he had his own troubles to deal with and had simply been dragged into this. She was dragged out of her musings my Archibald announcing their departure. At first he looked like he was going to attack them and she could've cried but then he said he would leave them alone. She thought about what Aldo had said and chased after them several steps and raising her hand. "Um, Sir? Could you maybe show us how best to get out of here. I think there's still bad guys around. I know you don't seem to like us very much but could you do this one laast thing for us?" She asked hopefully her purple eyes staring at him pleading. "If you want I can even give you my staff, I bet it'd sell for a lot in the right place. And if even that's not enough, then... then..." She took a deep breath. "I'd work for you as a healer, I know I can't do that much but surely I could help at least little. Please just don't leave us out here without any idea where to go." Arathya pleaded with her sudden outburst, perhaps she was being a bit drastic but she genuinely believed this man could help them. And if she could get him to help it'd probably do more good than whatever she would do sticking with the group. He couldn't be that heartless could he, even after she offered him gold and even her own service?