[h1][u][b]Q&A Section[/b][/u][/h1] [b]For questions and answers about the rp that I might have forgotten to address in the main section.[/b] [u][b][i]Question:[/i][/b][/u] [quote=@Obscene Symphony] Oh, and I put this in a separate post to avoid confusion, can the host 'see' the twin, as if they are right there with them? Can they feel their 'touch?' Or is all communication restricted to thought? Or again, does it depend on the strength of the bond between the twins? [/quote] [u][b][i]Answer:[/i][/b][/u] I've done quite a few rp's with first person, and so long as the character was indicated, it never became a big deal, so its not a primary concern of mine unless people feel overwhelmingly discomforted by it. And really, if you all aren't fine with it, I'm very much willing not to use it :) Ok, now this is where it may get complicated. The host twin can, as you mentioned, only recognize the placement of the soul twin depending on the relationship between the two. The soul twin, while intangible, has its own eye and sensory information, meaning at any given time, a host twin can feel or see with something of inner eye where the soul twin is located, but not see the soul twin within their physical reality. This changes as the bond increases between the two, where it becomes possible for the host twin to discern the soul twin as a glowing orb of some color in their vision, but something that remains unseen to all others except other host twins. I should also mention that the relationship with the soul twin affects the host twin's perception of spirits; that it to say, a host twin with a poor soul twin relationship will sense spirits, but their eyes will not make out bodily creatures. However, a host twin with a good relationship will make out discernible creatures, which may appear somewhat transparent and blur and in and out of reality. A host twin with a powerful relationship will be able to see other spirits quite clearly to the point where they may look extremely solid. [hr] [b][u][i]Question:[/i][/u][/b] [quote=@Obscene Symphony] Hmm, okay. I [i]think[/i] that clears it up. Would it be alright to say that my character has a mental image of what his twin looks like? So while he can't 'see' his twin, he pictures him as looking a certain way? This would be no more 'real' than a mental image of a situation while you read. As well, during intense experiences such as arguments or 'fights' between the two, would it be possible for the host twin to 'see' a glimpse of their twin in a human form? It could remain ambiguous whether or not this is a hallucination of a mind under extreme stress or an image imposed by the twin, if that makes any sense. [/quote] [b][u][i]Answer:[/i][/u][/b] It would be ok to say that your character has created an imaginary appearance for his or her soul twin, but to say that the host twin actually knows what the "real" appearance of the soul twin would have been is a no, no. For the most part unless they envision them otherwise, the soul twin should appear, as I said, as a colored floating orb. No soul twin induced hallucinations (and I don't believe I will include it in the future; not sure, I have to give some more thought to it). The extent to which a soul twin can influence the host twin through the mind, for now, is with words. A hallucination may occur from the stress of the argument, but the hallucination is self-created, a product of the host twin's own mind. This is for now. I don't want the soul twins to start out all powerful, and I may never want them to get to that level of power. They certainly cannot take over the body of their host twin, but they will develop more powerful capabilities, be immensely strong in other ways, as the rp goes on and the souls age and evolve with the hosts. The things to remember is that the hosts owns souls and minds are also aging and developing, making them quite adept at feigning off the influence of a soul twin.