[b]“Ohh, so you were stationed at Atlantis, 2nd Lieutenant? Then that explains why we haven’t met until now.”[/b] Miyako said with a smile. She always wanted to someday go see the city of the ancients herself, but haven’t had the pleasure to do that yet. Maybe one day in the future it was going to happen?[b]” Well then, I can be sure we are in good hands. They don’t let just anybody be a team leader.”[/b] [b] “Ahh yes, there are no doubts there will be enemies where we are going. It’s only natural for it to be so, besides we don’t know anything about what was going on in Ida. There could be leftover replicators or ever another dangerous enemy we haven’t even heard of yet.”[/b] The lt. Colonel smiled.[b]” Don’t worry, 2nd lieutenant, not everyone is good at politics, I myself prefer to stay as far away from the political games as possible. It’s such a pain to have to keep a nice smile even if you absolutely despise the other side.”[/b] [b]“Hmmm… can I call you Takana? Because calling you 2nd lieutenant all the time will get confusing if there are others of that rank around us?”[/b] She asked him with a small laugh. [b]“Well now that you showed me the mess hall, have you passed by the armory? That was my next destination of search.”[/b]