Name: "My name is Erik Garrell." Age: "31." Relations: "The only person I have left is former student, Kristina Evans." Equipment: "I fend myself off with a heavy plank and a kitchen knife. Crude, but effective. Besides, I never really liked using guns. They're too noisy for my liking. I've got a couple of water bottles, granola bars, a lighter, some gasoline, and a picture of my family stuffed in my bag." Appearance: "I'm black with dark eyes and short dark hair. I've got bit of a beard growing and I wear glasses. My main outfit is a torn dress shirt with black slacks. There's a large scar on my right cheek from a run in with bandits." Personality: "I always try to find the good in things, no matter how bad. I'm pretty intelligent and I'm not afraid to show it off. Don't touch Kristina! She's like a daughter to me, and I'm not letting some fungi be the end of her. I'm a thinker, not a fighter. But that doesn't make me scared to knock out anyone or anything." Short Bio: "Before any of this happened, I was a science teacher at a local middle school. We were on a field trip to a park when the infection hit. One of those...things, jumped out of some bushes and attacked the group. Before anyone could do anything, only me and Kristina were left. We fled, hoping to come across help. When we reached the city, though...everything was gone. Dead. Turned into those monsters. We managed to grab some supplies and now here we are, wandering around and looking for survivors." Other: "I've got a limp in my left leg." Name: "Kristina Evans." Age: "13." Relations: "It's just me and Mr. Garrell." Equipment: "Don't tell Mr. Garrell, but I've stowed away a gun. It's got no ammo, but I'm looking! I usually use a spear. Well, it's technically just long stick with a knife duct taped to it, but it still kills. In my backpack are some water bottles, granola bars, my notebook, pens, and some books." Appearance: "I'm fairly tall with hazel eyes and strawberry blonde hair that's pulled into a pony tail. I wear a light blue hoodie and jeans." Personality: "I'm usually very outgoing, but with all this going on, I've been pretty quiet. I'm pretty trustworthy and observant, but I tend to jump into things too quickly. Sarcasm is my best friend. I'm pretty nice. Just don't look in my notebook or mess with Mr. Garrell!" Short Bio: "Live was pretty normal. I had great friends, a supportive family, and high hopes. The only real problems were my admittedly crappy grades and my annoying little brother. But when the infection hit...that life that I was so used to just disappeared in an instant. That part of me that smile everyday vanished along with it. Luckily I'm not alone, but sometime it feels that way." Other: "Hey! I see you looking through my journal! You really wanna know what's in it? Well, I've been recording what I can about my whole situation. Maybe I'll figure out something like a cure with it! Or maybe It'll get turned into a book when civilization returns and I'll be famous! But that's just wishful thinking..."